The United Nations
(over 130 countries) reached during the Convention on the Status of Women an
agreement on the approach of ‘one of the most serious violations of human
rights’ whose final text is defined as historical. This paves the way for women
(which is 50% of the world population!) to be treated on an equal basis. The UN
members are now called 'to powerful condemn all forms of violence against women
and girls, and not to claim traditions and religion to avoid their obligations.
Governments should criminalize all violence against women, protect women's
lives, human rights and guarantee fundamental freedoms of women.'
The text contains clear
language on domestic violence. Victims of violence are entitled to sexual and
reproductive health care, including emergency contraception and safe abortion.
For the conservative countries these were sensitive issues.
Through this document,
governments have made clear that discrimination and violence against women
and girls have no place in the 21st century, the UN entity let know. ‘There is
no return’.
Also the United States passed last February an
extension of the Violence Against Women Act. The new law was expanded with
government protection for gays, lesbians, transsexuals, Native Americans and
The above events are entirely in line with the Aquarian Age (2000 - 4000) that brings Love and
Unity. In Het
kosmisch perspectief van de mens (The cosmic perspective of man) (1992) Sonia
Bos says about the Resurrection: "There is still so much karma and it just
keeps coming, because we have not the ability yet to do it differently. So man fights
himself towards the heart. But Aquarius has just begun, so what do we expect?
During a complete Piscean Era Jesus of Nazareth indicated that man in the
Piscean Age was going his Calvary to be able to stand up.
In other words: men and women should
learn to discipline their ego, their solar plexus, their personality, to be able to stand
up. Resurrection is the transformation of the human being, who from a higher
consciousness is going to live his life out of love. The resurrection is switched
on in the spheres. The resurrection power is perhaps a force of wind power one.
Karma has at present a wind force of ten, a hurricane. We have not much more advanced
than a very cautious shift to more light. Suffering and karma still predominate.
We can hardly address the luminosity of love, but do not despair. This cannot
be otherwise yet. Do switch off the television now and then, but do not get
discouraged. Have faith in the higher stage of evolution of the human being, so the cosmic human
can stand up, the man who lives from his heart. Because if the heart center
opens up, the "love your neighbor as you love yourself" has become
Meanwhile we are 21
years further, the cosmic man hás risen and already there is a lot of change in
In Het kosmisch perspectief van de mens (The cosmic perspective of man) (1997) Sonia
writes: "The essence of the woman may enter into a new dimension, from
which a new task will be ratified, namely the spiritual leadership of
evolution. Thus may the descent of the Spirit of God in the woman - and by
women in matter - bring the revelation of Christ in matter, the role of the woman in the Aquarian