I read an article in the
newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ of January 31st by Kees van der Staaij, leader of the
political party SGP in the House, where he considers "that ‘suffering’ that
is used to justify the termination of life increasingly is being
stretched." .... "While the clearest and most convincing ethical
standard is and remains: never end a human life in the name of mercy. Thou
shalt not kill."
Not an easy topic. Which
light shines the Aquarian mysticism on this subject?
Apart from the fact that the
Dutch mystic Sonia Bos wrote a book about her demented father, whose request
for euthanasia was rejected and who was cared for in a nursing home, she has
this phenomenon whether or not using euthanasia explained several times from
inspiration during the many lectures that she has held.
In the copy-book Zelf
Genezen (Self Healing) (1990) she answers the
following question:
Can you tell us about the right of self-determination
in relation to the increasing demand for active euthanasia and abortion?
Sonia: "In the freedom
of spirit each human is free. Life has the right of self-determination. If you
visualize the Ark (= meditating with the
universal symbol of Being, a boat, ed.), life in the unborn person, and the
old man himself have freedom of spirit.
You will approach life from
the spirit, from higher life. Then will be what is desired. If you long for the
end of a man’s life, because to you it seems so pointless and destructive, then
visualize the Ark, embark that person and let life itself dispose. Is the child
in you unwanted? In that case place yourself with the child in the Ark. Let
life dispose itself. Then will be done what for you and the child cosmically is
predestined. In all life issues you will have life to determine. Man gets
self-determination on the creative power and soon also about life. However, he receives
this only from the freedom of his spirit, and not from the limitation of his ego. When
you lay your troubles in the Ark of Life, life itself will dispose. In this way
you can bear your responsibility. Never make an answer from the Source a law.
At the level of the Source one knows only liberty, so do not bind freedom. Do
not create a new dogma, Universality of Life will be."
In the lecture Hoger
Genezen (Higher Healing, 1995, this lecture is also
included in the book De genezer in het Aquariustijdperk (The healer in the Age of Aquarius), the following
can be found:
"Ethics and society
The way to penetrate the ethics
of life in politics, in the economy, healthcare, etc. is by standing in life. We
do not draw ourselves back from life, we're no longer entering the monasteries
or ashrams. We go into the world! I am a housewife, do the dishes, scrub, polish,
and when I bump my head I’m angry. Like this we are standing in the midst of a
full life, as a nurse, a physician, a politician, a scientist and so on.
Ethical behavior
When you turn inwards to your
being, you raise life’s ethics automatically. The result is that you will act
more ethically in your work and it will shine through in science, in economic
developments or in any part in the areas of life that has your interest.
The revival of the universal truth
The ethics of life is only activated
when man can generate the universal truth of life. Then a nurse brings this
into healthcare and both euthanasia and abortion issues are being resolved in
accordance with the truth of life.
When man continues to evolve
his consciousness, he becomes automatically an ethical person. When we as
universal healers turn inwards and pick up the Source of Life, we are
immediately more ethical, because our consciousness develops through such
When we focus the power of
creation that we have collected from that Source on the ethical issues in
health care, the economy, politics or wherever you like it to focus on, you
increase your own awareness and the ethical awareness in the relevant area of
life as well."
het teken van astrologie (In the light of astrology) (1996),
"The ethics of suffering issues
Question: In the enormous
astrological context, I have a question regarding the ethical ambiguity full of
tensions and debates around suffering issues such as abortion, euthanasia,
transplantation. There is plenty of discussion, is this related to what is
happening astrologically?
The zodiac, the first manifestation of the blueprint
Sonia: In that case we can
only look at the horoscope of life. When life was shaped, at the base the
zodiac was created as the first manifestation of the blueprint. In the
blueprint of life there is no question of a struggle. On the contrary, it is
completely transparent. From this full transparency – the Universal Being –
life was created and a first manifestation of this is held by the zodiac and
projected outward.
The Aquarius Purification
In the zodiac, we slide from
the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age, we move from the lower being to the
higher being. Life at this moment has his struggle to meet this higher being.
Every single piece of life moves slowly towards his resurrection. The struggle
is currently at its fiercest. The development of the Aquarius Purification is
palpable and manifests itself in the struggles around abortion, euthanasia,
etc., in all human ethics, in all human aspects.
Do we look at it now from the
ego – "I want abortion" – or from the love for life, what life wants
with man or with the known fact? Life is struggling because life of the Piscean
Age is moving into the Aquarian Age. Life wants to shed his ordeal, his laws of
cause and effect and move on to the higher aspects of Saturn, to
transformation. Life wants to shape from the higher into what we can call a resurrection
The arising of a huge fermentation
In the zodiac, the
foundations are shaking. The Piscean Age blueprint is slowly withdrawing and
the Aquarian Age blueprint comes increasingly to the fore. This means that the
first is less active and the Aquarian blueprint is just becoming more active.
This starts in the lower aspects of life. There a huge fermentation is
originating. Aggression, murder, selfishness, hatred and envy, everything comes
in a tremendous way upwards. After all, everything is heading towards its
Bringing the lower aspects to enlightenment
The Aquarius Purification has
started. The power of the constellation Aquarius brings its purification, so
that the old is transformed into the new. In all aspects, the new will come,
first in the lower aspects. So we go with the ratification of the Aquarian
blueprint from low to high, and we first bring all lower aspects to their enlightenment.
So we bring the killers to
their enlightenment. If the lower does not come along, life will disintegrate,
because everything is a unity. Everyone should get to know love – even the
murderer, the rapist, the abortionist, and so on. Anything may be, everything
is moving towards love and enlightenment. This begins right at the bottom,
where the fire is stoked up, where the porridge starts to simmer. And it will
swirl and ferment, continuing until man says, "Enough is enough!"
Hundreds of thousands of
deaths in Rwanda. How many people have already gone in Chechnya? Suicide attacks
in Jerusalem, buses full of people who die. This we do not choose any longer.
Therefore we choose the higher laws of Aquarius and we will work from the laws
of Love and Unity. We are going to help to transform this. There where the
porridge is the hottest, where the fire is stoked, we are going there in our
meditations to put the transformation at work.
The horoscope of unity
Wherever you see fermentation
apply unity, silence, so the duality can be transcended. Polarity, duality, leaves
the horoscope. In the end we go to a unitary horoscope. When you bring unity
from your essence into life, duality filled with hatred, aggression and
suffering eventually will be completely transcended."
In Gehandicapt
leven (Handicapped Life) (1997) you will find: "Involuntary medication administring
But what can we do when a
person is no longer approachable? Someone who is psychotic and smashes
everything to bits and pieces, is not approachable; perhaps again at a later
stage, but at least not at that time. He must, however, be protected, because
he might want to commit suicide or murder someone else because his voices whisper
this in his ear. Therefore he is drugged to protect himself and his fellow man.
This brings him no cure, but it is justified. When someone who suffers from
self-mutilation, in addition to mental guidance, you also ensure that, as it
all gets too intense, he cannot cut himself everywhere.
The function of a medication
There are three types of
1. the healing-giving
medication, where guidance is needed;
2. the protection-giving
medication, which serve to protect the individual and society;
3. the grace-giving medication,
for instance in case of euthanasia, so karma is better to bear.
From an inner vision always must
be balanced what should be protected first in a given situation: the man
himself or his fellow man, or that there may be just a lot of grace to remedy a
lot of pain.
Choosing the accurate out of love
Human discernment is required
not to give medication from selfishness: "when he is nice and quiet, he
bothers me less." Or as I once heard someone say: "If I have the
children wearing a thick sweater, they are nice and quiet." That those
children are feeling too hot and not function properly is forgotten.
Out of love you will ever
have to balance your choice. If we are going to use the pure love of life, the
power of the Source, we find there the grace, healing and the distinction. You
are not the one who decides, the divine will is. You cannot go around the divine
will and not around the will of a person. Where possible, you give grace and
healing to a human. You can even give him a re-creation for a new future and a
new life plan – at least, if there is a change in his blueprint available. If
you link working with transformation and transmutation with the ordinary
regular guidance package, then you have a total package to give. Which regular
treatment you should choose, you can also lay in the transformation, in order
to come to the right choice.”
During the lecture Openbaren
op drie niveaus (Revealing at three levels) (2001), Sonia said the
following :
"Man as a worker from the divine will
Actually man wants constantly
to dispose as God about life from his ego-interests. However, let us please decide
over life from the divine will. That means we're going to re-create from His
Let us have His power keep on
working in the tough decisions that should be evaluated by the not yet
conscious person, because anything is allowed, everything is possible and everything
is within reach. We have money, we all have sexual freedom, we have it all!
That must be so, for thereby we can come to distinction. Because now we have
everything, how do we make use of this? How do we learn to get respect for life?
How do we learn to let transformation work, to have life to take its own course?
How do we learn to help the Creator’s plan put down clearly, so that we can actually get insight into issues such as abortion, euthanasia, the pill of Drion
and clearing away livestock. Those are the questions that really matter!
Revealing the Creator reveals
the divine will in troubles that rise over your head. Through transformation
you can straighten very much in your life, but through re-creation you can have
the Creator intervene within the larger structures of life. You cannot
intervene yourself, but place from your personal desire a problem down at the
Creator. You visualize the thirteen transmutation symbols and call for a re-creation
of a particular situation. You place this situation in a large bowl on the
divine altar and bring the power of re-creation in this issue. You then ask the
Creator for a re-creation of the situation. Then His plan, His will, can be
Man becomes in this manner a
worker from the divine will. He is the evolving principle that is bringing life
to perfection, because he is the one that will accomplish the revelation of the
Creator. He bears the incarnation of the Creator in matter, because he carries
the Universal Christ within himself. He stands as a channel, with his heart open,
and lays repeatedly the most serious problems of life in the hands of the
Creator and asks Him to reveal herein.
Who says what wisdom is?
Where is the boundary of unbearable suffering? Who determines that? Does the
child determine that for the mother? That sure is intolerable? Should the
spouse carry that for the partner who is in a coma? Those are things that a
person cannot really bear. Only the divine judge, the power of re-creation, can
mediate in this.
Man as a co-creator
Enter in all such situations
a re-creation from the divine Plan, from the Creator in you. Put everything in
His hand, so that His will in these issues may be. Then things can become
clear. Then it may be that a man is called to the Creator, or that he may keep on living, because he still does have a function.
Only the Creator has access
to the Plan of Creation, which envelops also the Plan of Man, the Plan of the
Next of Kin, a Family Plan, the Plan of a City, the Plan of the Earth, the Plan
of the Solar System and the Plan of the Universe and so on."
By clicking on the titles you
visit the website
of Sonia Bos, where you can find additional information about the lectures,
but also, for example how to transform and transmute with the universal symbols.