Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


The free will and the divine will

On April 10th, journalist Henk Muller had an interview in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant with Herman de Regt, associate professor of philosophy of science at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. The Regt does not believe in the free will and therefore would like to have a different legal system. According to him, the free will is an illusion based on scientific knowledge, because all consequences have a cause. He argues that causes and effects form a long chain, which dates back so to speak to the big bang. Someone who commits a murder right now, is not guilty, but simply stands at the end of such a chain, of which he had nothing further to say.
What about karma and taking our own responsibility? And being a personality (our lower self), soul (our higher self) and spirit (our highest self, connected to Spirit) at the same time? Aren't we simultaneously actors in the drama that's called life as well as the stage-managers?
What light shines the Aquarian Mysticism upon this?

In the copybook CA03 Vrijheid (Freedom) (2003) the Dutch mystic Sonia Bos describes why we humans have a free will. In the chapter Living from the free will, she says, among other things: "Every person has a unique own free will.
Each individual would be different. Why? Since in each fiber of life, man as an evolving principle, should accompany his evolutionary life on his own unique way. Every free will is connected to a particle of the pure, original divine consciousness. The divine consciousness has a high awareness, a less high awareness and a lower awareness - there is consciousness at different levels. Therefore, individuals had to come, who would have affinity with different levels of consciousness. When the involution would be over, the human being with his special consciousness would be able to touch all different levels of life. But first he had to dare to bring out his own unique staining into the material world.
The indwelling of the Universal Love
It is very essential that the negative side of the free will does a step aside and that you clear your essence from all kinds of duty. Only then you can find your destination and learn to design this entirely towards your own individuality. Then you will realize that you are a unique being, and that you may be who you are. You may feel love for yourself and leave behind all that curbs your individuality and takes you to obligatories, which binds you to dogma and all sorts of rules, including the Constitution, under which you sigh. It's up to you. You can turn inward and from love recognize the codes in yourself, so that love can descend in the free will.
The free will has the task to recognize the Universal Love in man and to absorb this in himself. This is the task of the free will and man may do so in his own unique way. He liberates himself to recognize the Divine Flame and shape this in his own unique way. The Free will is therein the carrying capacity and the guarantee that there will be billions of people in the world who will make life complete." …..
The surrender to the divine will
Question: How can I make sure that I 'm the boss in my life? Can I therefore use my free will?
Sonia : "No and Yes. No, the free will is not strong enough to hold back the divine course of life. And Yes, the free will can ask the divine will in you to bring a halt to the whirlwind of life. From the free will, you can invoke the Source of Life to put the creative power to work on behalf of you, to be able to transform or transmute the onrushing karma which makes you ill and brings all kinds of misery on your path. This allows you to neutralize all kinds of impossible situations in your life or even create entirely new life situations. The free will by itself is not strong enough, but if the free will yields to the divine will in you, the Source of Life in you, then you can put the power of creation to work at three levels. Then you can convert, that what you do not want, what does not suit you, you no longer choose; through the divine will in yourself, making use of the creative force.
In the Aquarian Mysticism is always pointed out, that out of free will a person may choose to put the creative force to work, the Universal Christ within himself, the Source of Life in himself – you may specify this to your own liking – to bring to a halt that, which youno longer choose in life. This allows a lot of karma-related issues to resolve themselves. Man can say 'no' to karma from his own free will. From your free will, you can choose the higher, to put the divine will in you to work – the Universal Christ, who holds this in you – to reverse everything towards love in your life that is unexposed by love." 
Much more information about the free will from a mystical point of view can be found in the above mentioned copybook, like Moving along with the downward or upward spiral; The importance of the free will; Working on karma; The use of the free will; Choosing from your free will to illuminate the dark side; The importance of the decisiveness; Transcending the free will; The purge of free will on three levels.
Only a Dutch version can be downloaded from the website of soniabos.nl. (Use the Google translater)

During the seminar Zelfrespect,heling van je eigenwaarde (Self-respect, healing of your self-esteem; there is a MP3 Dutch version) (2008) Sonia Bos talks about the reversal of the ego and the free will that is going to flow equally with the divine will:
"The ego of man
I feel a reluctance to go on and realize suddenly why I feel that hesitation. The next part is about how important I still think about my ego, my true free will that was my heritage. That is going to change now.
The many desires of the ego
Until today (2008), the greatest divine heritage of mankind was his free will, his ego. That gave him the right of decision; that gave him self-esteem in which he could feel: I'm a man, I am an individual, I have power, I can say: "Up till here and no further; I want this and I 'm going to do that; I make my plans." I , I , I , I . And oh, how desperately we have needed that I. It was the driving force for the evolution which focused on the solar plexus, to which the ego is attached. But the driving force of evolution is no longer focused on the solar plexus, but on the heart and the throat to bring the Spirit forward now.
As long as we thus continue to identify with our ego desires, with the: I want and I 'm worth it and I want to be heard now and I want to count in and now I want this, now I want that, then you will continue to keep incredibly busy. Because you know, the ego remains stuck in that desire and lust, in that physical race for more and more. The ego is the entrance to the material race of more and more, the dominance of matter affects you. If only the ego could be reduced a little bit to a normal sense of self, of I-awareness.
There will always abide a self-awareness in you; that is part of your being, but the pressure out there right now, will vanish. Just look around you and see how hard people work. Families who are working so hard to prove themselves materially in matter, to be confirmed, to encapsulate. First, the house must be in order, then there is a holiday coming up, and yes, the children should also go to judo, karate, piano lessons, and so on.
That all comes from the ego, the family ego, the whole ego occurrence of man. It would be good if ever there would be reflection whether this all is really worth it. Since the driving force of the ego has not yet withdrawn, we go too fast through that ego.
The good aspects of the ego
The ego had to come to power, thus we could exist as individuals in life; we could feel our individuality, protect, respect and love it. These are all incredibly good aspects, which need not to be withdrawn.
You may feel love for yourself; you should protect yourself and give yourself a place in the world. You may feel yourself being human, you may participate, take your place, to be able to move amongst the people and bring God’s Spirit everywhere. Those are the good aspects of the ego.

Rollback too much ego
From the ego which is strong enough at this moment, the gear wheel should be restituted now, because we become too strong; everyone shouts himself down. Everyone wants stronger stimulants; just think of the movies, how harsh they are. Everything is increasing. One wants more and more; one wants stronger stimulants, more intense sex and more sex, more clothes, a bigger car, a bigger house and so on.
We need to get rid of the excess. The evolution force, that in previous eras is put on the ego, to ensure that humans would find themselves as individuals and would learn to respect themselves, must be withdrawn. We have now found our being human; we have established our individuality. We may now find our consciousness and the spirit within us, our higher being, in our godhood. But that ego just keeps screaming and wants but more.
Give the Spirit its place
If you want to find your deepest self-esteem, it is worth to realize that you should give yourself not just a place here on earth and that you should allow yourself to grant your own individuality, but you do also need to be connecting yourself with the highest, deepest, divine value of your mind. Only then you will really get the most out of yourself.
You already got the most out of yourself in matter, but now the godhood in you also wants to take his place."
More about the new spot of the ego and personality control you will find in this lecture about Self-respect. (to be translated by Google)

The lecture D80 Enlightenment (2008) contains the following: "The godhood in man
In the era of the lower being, we were the earth man with a sevenfold consciousness. When we turned inward, the earth man said: "Hello, here I am, make sure you involute, though. That you build a good spot in the material world". But the Creator has taken a big scissors and said: “Earth man, it's been fine with you". That was on May 24, 2008 in Belgium. At that time the cosmic man in us was pushed forward, the man who not only has a thirteen-fold consciousness, but who is also God.
In the years behind us, the godhood in man has fully developed. Now we are the cosmic human and we have a thirteen-fold divine consciousness. And the Creator said, "So, if you turneth inward now, you will find the Cosmic man in you and no longer your Earth human." Then the cosmic man immediately said: "You are God. Of course, you're also human, but you're God now and your godhood is the most important thing right now."
You will hardly want to believe this, but it is a fact that on September 27 of the year 2008, during the seminar Self-respect, I was allowed to inform you − and we have also worked on this at that time − that the free will of man, I mean the earth humans,  is not a divine heritage anymore, but that from that moment on the divine will of man has become his divine heritage. When you turn inward, the cosmic man comes forward and says: "You are God, and the divine will in you talks to you now."
The divine will in us is prioritized
Three quarters of the free will is already withdrawn. Of course, you still have a part left in order to be able to choose and give direction to your life. But that huge brawler like: I need to be in the material world, I need to fix me, I, I, I, I was only functional during the involution."

In the book Op weg naar verlichting, het pad van verlichting van de mens in eennieuwe tijd (En route to enlightenment, The path of enlightenment of man in modern times), you will find both above mentioned readings, along with the lecture Leren leven in overgave (Learning to live in surrender).

See also: http://aquariusmysticism.blogspot.nl/2012/12/the-free-will-on-shovel-to-build-new.html