Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Migration of peoples

Secretary Leers for Immigration, Integration and Asylum in the Netherlands wants to significantly accelerate and intensify the procedure for admission of asylum seekers. Throughout the centuries, various groups of people from abroad moved to countries such as the Netherlands. From the history lessons I remember a number of events, that have to do with the movement of people: the great migration in 400 AD, the French Huguenots who came to the Netherlands to escape the religious war; the Jews who settled in Antwerp and Amsterdam, and migrated around the 2nd World War to the United States and Israel. KNIL soldiers made the crossing from Indonesia and many Antilleans come here to study or work. In the sixties and seventies many Moroccan and Turkish migrants were invited to work in Northern Europe, their families followed later and at a later date many asylum seekers from Africa seek salvation in the wealthy countries. But the flow does not stop: Iraqis, Iranians and people from Afghanistan are fleeing their country for political reasons. And recently I read in the newspaper that for the first time in history in the United States more than 50% of the newborn babies are not from white parents.

What's the big advantage when so many nations around the world are spreading? In 1996, Sonia Bos gave a lecture from her mystical connection with the Truth of Life. She contemplates inwards from the Universal Source in herself, that over the years has slowly opened, to lift some veils on the scattering of nations in the Aquarian Age (2000 - 4000).
Sonia: "Many exoduses of the peoples have a basis that Moses already then pointed out: the people choose no longer to be suppressed. In fact you will see again and again a repetition of the exodus of Moses. Amazingly many people shake off the domination of the pharaoh.
Incredibly many women are still oppressed. It is not the divine desire that one half of humanity, suppresses the other half. Spiritual freedom is a divine inheritance, man is equal. With the exodus of man still an awful lot of suffering is involved. Does not every asylum seeker, refugee in one way or another seek the promised land? Is it not just seeking for a bit of love, a piece of happiness, warmth, understanding, accommodation, security, acceptance and a little help? "
Sonia describes why we actually need exoduses and further explains the consciousness journey of the human and how he can break through his ordeal, his Via Dolorosa. About the creation that is still in progress and that man will be helpful in the management of evolution and the comprehensive consciousness of man. And of course she answers questions about

- Holy wars (conducted in the name of religion)
- The difference in the role of husband and wife
- The scattering of the Jewish people
- The process of individualization and broken family ties

Are you interested in more information, read Vluchtelingen, de verstrooiing der volkeren (Refugees, the scattering of the people) or visit the webshop (and use Google translation). In this reader the meaning and intent of the refugee flows is made clearly from a spiritual angle.

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