Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Extraterrestrial civilizations, sense or nonsense?

On the internet circulates an extraterrestrial message asking if mankind wants them to appear. By choosing telepathically for this to happen, these beings can manifest themselves around our planet earth.

In the book De genezer in het Aquariustijdperk (The healer in the Aquarian Age) from 1995 a lecture Universeel Genezen (Universal Cure) is included where from the audience the following question was asked Sonia Bos, spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism: "Would you be able to reveal something about the role of the UFO's and the meaning of the crop circles in this transitional time."

The salvation of man: Sonia: "Extraterrestrial life is not supposed to intervene in the free choice of mankind. But the agony of humanity raises many alien beings nevertheless to interfere. They are still ego-bound, otherwise they never responded to this call. The compassion from their ego gets them to open up to save humanity.

The salvation of man, however, lies not outside of him, but within himself.
The Ark of the Preservation, belonging to the Aquarian Age, the senior brother of the Ark of the Covenant, which belongs to the Piscean Age, has sailed. The Ark of the Preservation is the Aquarius blueprint. This blueprint is released to call man to feel the inner protection within. But the despair of man, directed from his ego, makes him accessible to help from extraterrestrial life.
Many believe that the solution to the misery on earth must come from these extraterrestrials, because they think that we cannot manage ourselves. This creates an exchange between aliens and the people on earth who lost faith in the future of mankind. However, this is something completely different than what the Creator stands for. He just wants to provide man the inner Ark of the Preservation, to be able to transform all karma and to bring life to a resurrection life. Communicating with aliens seems very nice, but is not in the intent of the Plan of creation."

Susceptible to negativity 
During this lecture the following question was asked: I experience the energy as extremely heavy. I would prefer to leave the auditorium. Can you say something about this?
Sonia: When there is a lot of light present, it always mobilizes negative presence. When you perceive such reflections from negativity in yourself, place yourself in a field of light. The fact that man is susceptible to negativity is, that deep in his heart he is in doubt. He first wants to see what is happening! In this doubt negativity sows its strength. Doubt belongs to the ego. When you trust and have no doubt, you will be protected. When you are not in doubt and you are not afraid, you are always reachable for the light. Fear is the tool of darkness. If you transcend your fears and you surrender in confidence, miracles will be plenty.

From the reader: Meesterschap in de nieuwe tijd (Mastery in the new era), 1998:
Extraterrestrial interference with earth
Question: can you give some insight about the help that comes from outside earth, especially from the Pleiades?
Sonia: I have given a complete lecture, titled Buitenaardse beschavingen, zin of onzin? (Extraterrestrial civilizations, sense or nonsense?) So I will now give a brief answer.

The planet interference will be withdrawn, that is no longer the intention. People who are inspired from the planets will therefore experience a withdrawal. You can hear why in that lecture. It has to do with the transcending of the ego. From the planets only communication takes place at the level of the ego and so that is to be withdrawn. UFO-interference is no longer there to bring inspiration. True, universal inspiration comes only from within, from Christ and the Source within yourself, through the mystical channel.

“There are many sources of inspiration for the seeking man, from aliens, entities, angels, the higher self to the Source of Life.” The reader Buitenaardse beschavingen, zin of onzin? (Extraterrestrial civilizations, sense or nonsense?) (1998) clarifies what all these channels have to offer man and in particular what the limitations and dangers are: "Man makes contact with extraterrestrial life, that's for sure. Life of a high consciousness abstains from this physical contact with humans. It knows that it is not intended. UFO's and crop circles exist. Out of your body experiences, astral travel is not the way. When man on his awakening journey has obtained mastery over the self, his personality, then his inner journey begins. Focus on the safe inner, mystical and vertical initiatory path; not on the horizontal interplanetary communication. Evolving in this manner, the divine consciousness can be achieved".
Two details from the reader:
Contact with extraterrestrial life, the wrong track
“Within the creation is determined that contact between all life forms will occur along the mystical path, universally accompanied and protected by mastery. Man is the unique instrument in this. By his novice sensitivity and curiosity he goes searching. He then often focuses his antenna outwards. Being a channel for aliens or other planets therefore takes a huge flight. The more powerful man that thinks he is, the more it fascinates him, the more he is sucked towards this. He readily wants to confirm himself via such a particular contact. But this also is a wrong track; it parallels entity contacts."

The task of man and contact with extraterrestrials

Question: Why choose (alien) creatures our planet to make contact and what is our task in this?
Sonia: What can be the task of humans in relations to the aliens who end up here? If we approach this in a pure way, what can we do? How can we deal with this in a real positive way?
Working from unconditional love
"The task of man consists of bringing love. We know love; we have a channel to draw love. We can bring creative power, unconditional love, not selfish love. The importance of man lies in radiating unselfish love, wherever he is: in his practice, with a cup of coffee or in contact with extraterrestrials. Anything man does is pure when it is based on love. The Aquarius mysticism is the mysticism of the heart of creation and this heart is based on love. So when we are coping in a new, pure way with aliens, then we will not communicate from curiosity – from self-interest, to thicken ourselves – but we work from unconditional love. And we can now do this on the level of transformation and transmutation.
When we are an unselfish channel of universal love and a continuous radiating source of this, everything we touch gets a shower of love. In a manner of speaking, even the fly that rests on your shoulder or sits on your arm. If you are in your Being, your I Am presence, then he receives the unconditional, universal love and his being transforms. And so transforms every being that approaches us. Extraterrestrial beings are attracted here by love, something they barely or slightly know. They have indeed no inner channel to draw love on their own. So they are attracted by love. And as we are attracted to a higher love by climbing Jacob's ladder through our initiations, extraterrestrial beings will increasingly be attracted by this love. When we give plentiful and unconditional by the radiation from our hearts, then we feed their collectives with love.   
Bringing transformation and transmutation
When you're aware of your task, you can transform all karma in these worlds; you can also transmute, by which the blueprints issue their divine will in these creatures. As a result, they can enter a higher stage of evolution. In this way, the Aquarius evolution is working, also thanks to man, provided that you want to follow therein your universal guidance. Only so you'll walk a pure road. You can focus your radar purely and from the enormous force, that universal strength that flows in you, you can help transform via the Jacob's ladder all collectives of life. Because only in this way God’s Spirit can flow through all that lives."   

The Ashtar Command

During the lecture Bewustzijn,de draagkracht van Aquarius (Consciousness, the carrying capacity of Aquarius) (1999) the following question emerges: What is the connection between Ashtar of the Ashtar Command and Melchizedek and what has it to say to us?
Sonia: Absolutely nothing!
Question: Can you possibly explain the task of Ashtar?
Sonia: I then go along the borders of the darkness and that I may not. This answer should be enough.

Focusing yourself on your inner guidance
"Not everything that pretends to be highly conscious is high consciousness. The largest negative forces always occur as the largest positivity. I think for those who want to follow the path of awareness and want to work from the divine consciousness it is quite essential, that they are ever only focusing on the Universal Christ. He is Father and Son at the same time. Let yourself always only lead from the Universal Christ, from the divine throne with the twenty four wisdom keepers around it. This always comes from the inside towards you – because in you the divine consciousness is present – and this is the guarantee that you're safe.
If you may bring the divine revelations, it will always be from an inner guidance, from the Universal Christ, from where all enters the creation. So don't follow everything that sounds beautiful! You have a universal Source within yourself. From here the Christ reveals himself and the divine revelation; the revelation of consciousness is given. The only one, who can meet you there legitimized, is Melchizedek, as the lower being of the Universal Christ in the area of unity, or Jesus of Nazareth, the lower being of the Universal Christ in the field of love. So Love and Unity have a physical limb that is recognizable to humans."

The above mentioned readers and book can be ordered via the webshop of www.soniabos.nl.

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