Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece



December 4th , Sanne van Dongen at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam received her PhD at the following conclusion in her thesis: Psychotic patients who use violence, suffer remarkably often from chase delusions. The police need to be more alert here. Not only the aggression must be combated, Sanne finds. You have to test the person in question with a simple questionnaire on Delusional stress.

From 1993, mystic Sonia Bos launched a large number of lectures that she could shape in the context of grounding a current of new universal teaching for the world. In this manner, the Aquarius Mysticism is brought to man, for the purpose to give impulses of renewal to a variety of fields of the society. As a spiritual healer Sonia Bos has helped many psychotic people. It is as a mystic that she outlines a totally new vision of man, out of love for the psychotic human. For as she writes in her preface: "When you have really met a psychotic person and have embraced him in your arms, someone who no longer knows who he is, who has lost himself, you can only love him and you want to stand up for him! After all, he so desperately needs this love. Because nobody is more hopeless, more lost, than the one who completely has lost himself."

"In conventional medicine it is never fully understood how the mechanism, which leads to psychosis in man, takes place. There is also little known about the deepest causes. Therefore, the psychotic patient usually cannot be healed adequately.
However with psychotropic medication, the psychotic man can be tuned in, allowing his fears and psychosis to be brought under control. Unfortunately in that case you no longer recognize the original man any more. His personality structure is seriously affected by the use of medication and he is less clear and approachable.
Until now, also along the spiritual path often little could be done for the psychotic man. With the beginning of the Aquarian age change has come. By a large mutation of consciousness, man has become the cosmic man. He received a thirteen fold consciousness, with which he can include the Source and can enliven the creative power. With the new capabilities that the human thus received, he can offer the psychotic patient a holistic approach and healing.
This book gives the Aquarius vision of psychosis and the psychotic man, in which the new holistic healing and way of approach of the patient are explained. This paves the way to a complete cure! "
A meditation, a light being healing and the various stages of a medical plan are included.

While the evolution is progressing, Sonia, in connection with the Sofia (the divine wisdom), gets in 2006 new mystical teaching in benefit of the psychotic patient. Below is an explanation of the reading Psychosis:
"What is psychosis? Psychosis is a disease in which the patient comes to stand outside the reality of life. This disease is characterized by hallucinations and delusions, and these are not consistent with reality as most people define it. From the spiritual point of view, the reality is not determined by what a great group of people on earth thinks, but by the quality of consciousness (39 layers) of the relevant person.
Someone is psychotic as his light structure, by a great psychological pressure, is so damaged that the egg shape of his consciousness is lost, causing a deformation of his reality!

The psychoses of the earth man (in the Pisces Era, which officially ends on Dec. 21, 2012) - In the book Omgaan met de psychotische patient (Dealing with the psychotic patient) Sonia discusses how psychosis can arise from primal traumas such as: the rejection of your self, life, your place on earth and the duality in which we live. She declares what is happening under the influence of these primal traumas with the light structure of humans and which severe shapes this can take.
From there she deeper explains the degeneration of the light structure. Above all, she highlights the new forms of psychoses resulting from the progression of evolution and explains the how and why of these psychoses.
The lecture is structured as follows:
1. The construction of the light structure
2. New causes of psychosis 
3. Dangers on the road
4. Light Being Healing and integration

Both the book and the reader or CD in Dutch are available on the webshop of Sonia Bos. Unfortunately the book as well as the reader are not translated. (By the way, with your new ability to create, when you know a way to realize this translation, it will happen in the Age of Aquarius which starts December 22, 2012. Until then use Google translator) Recommended for each worker who works with psychotic people. Light Being healings and courses according to the Aquarian Mysticism are offered by Marja Overheul (Dutch) and Annemiek van der Zant (Dutch/English), see the web links in the right column.

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