Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


The free will on the shovel (to build the new Earth)

On November 17 there was an article in the Dutch newspaper 'De Volkskrant' about philosopher Daniel Dennett. Scientists and thinkers are sometimes diametrically opposed to each other in terms of ideas. In this case, neurologist Prof. Dick Swaab would argue that our free will is an illusion. Daniel Dennett sees this as a fallacy.
I have once again searched into the available lectures of Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism, what is said about our free will. This subject comes up time and again in many writings. And over the years, we can see that an evolution in free will has occurred:

The Aquarian Mysticism teaches us in 1993 through the lecture De kosmische opdracht van mens en aarde (The cosmic command of man and earth)
"The preservation of life guaranteed
The ultimate cosmic task of man is, to radiate from free will, from the inside the entire cosmic system of which he is part, with light. Everything in this system can then be brought to the horizon from the inside and be focused on the infinite light. In this way the preservation of all life in matter, in the system of life in which we stand, is  guaranteed.
Free will and cosmic mission
Man can only voluntarily enter his cosmic mission. At the time that enough people do this, they attract with such force the light inwards that also the rest of the people - those who kill, rob, plunder, rape – go along. From the inside, man, this is the only way out of your misery."

“The free will of man
Question: What happens in this whole process with the free will of man? Free will ultimately belongs to the ego. Should this be put in the trash? Is the free will at some point also transformed?
Sonia: "It has always been the intention of the Creator that man would freely choose for his higher will, the will of the Source of Life within himself. Only from free will, man is called to explore the higher. This creation was created to create conscious life. Life can only be aware when there is a free will, an ego, a personality, a vehicle."

"The complete Pisces Era (0 to 2000) was marked by awareness of the individuality, the ego and the free will. Man was raised this way. Up to the year 2000, the laws of cause and effect settled life. The Ark of the Covenant is based on this. The ego had to learn to listen to the laws of cause and effect and learn to act purely. It was distinguishing love, to be able to come to the love that will be released in the Aquarian Age (2000 - 4000)."

Choosing for change
But you should also want this and that I cannot do it for you, that's entirely up to you. For man has a free will and that will not be crossed by the Divinity.

So, where previously the free will was the divine heritage, Sonia on 27 September 2008 during the lecture  Zelfrespect, heling van je eigenwaarde (Self-respect, healing your self-esteem) has passed the following value:
"The ego of man
I feel a hesitation to continue and suddenly realize why I feel hesitation. The next part is about how important I still think my ego is; my true free will which was my heritage. That's going to change now.
The many demands of the ego
Until today, the most divine heritage for humans was his free will, his ego. That gave him the right to decide, that gave him self-esteem and he could feel this: I'm a man, I am an individual, I have power, I can say: "Until here and no further, this is what I want and that’s what I’ll do: I make my plans." I, ME, Myself, I. And oh, how desperately we needed that "I" before. It was the driving force for the evolution that focused on the solar plexus, to which the ego is linked. But the driving force of evolution is no longer focused on the solar plexus, but on the heart and throat to put the Spirit forward now."

On October 18, 2008 in Leren leven in overgave (Learning to live in surrender) Sonia reveals:
"The God in man is revealed
What does the new Spirit of God bring us? The new Spirit of God says: "In the involution I've switched on your awareness path. You could be an individual. You could feel that you are human and you could shape being a human in the substance and become a strong individual: I am me, I'm human, I was born as a man, as an individual.” The New Spirit of God now says: "I call on you no longer as a human being, I appeal now to your godhood; because in the years between 1985 and 2008 I have fully converted your inner structure as humans. The God in you is revealed. You are now both man and you are God. You can now choose whether you continue to function as a person or intend to operate as a God."

You have the choice between your free will and your divine will. But the new Spirit of God says: "I no longer urge you to your free will, because your free will is for me no more the highest good. I approach to your divine will. I speak to you in your godhood; I speak to you in your soul."

On November 1, 2008 Sonia gives her last lecture: Verlichting (Enlightenment)

"The godhood in man
You will hardly believe this, but it is a fact that on 27 September of this year, during the seminar Zelfrespect, heling van je eigenwaarde (Self-respect, healing your self-esteem) I could report you - and we have then also worked on it - that the free will of man, that is to say of Earth humans, is no more divine heritage, but that from now on the divine will of man has become his divine heritage. When you turn inward, the cosmic man comes forward and says: "You are God and the divine will in you now speaks to you.
The divine will in us takes precedence
Already three quarters of the free will is currently withdrawn. Of course, you still need a part to be able to choose and give your life direction. But that huge screamer that says: I need to be in matter, I must acknowledge myself, I, I, I, I was only functional during involution. While we now go back to the Source and as a cosmic human we may accomplish high universal tasks, it is extremely important that the divine will in us directly announces itself and that the loudmouth, the free will of the ego, is tempered for a while. For a while? Is tempered for good! Now, says the divine will: "Hello, you're God, you're human, we are going to live from the higher; we will build a new world, do you hear that?"
"Oh, but the material world is still so much fun, I don’t feel like it yet and my bed is so good..."
The new world comes into view
Do you remember when we used to take the first steps on our awareness path and dreamt about spiritual fulfillment? Now the cosmic human is pushed forward and we must accomplish tasks. But that is easier now because the free will was partially sent back and that's a grace. I still had to go all the way with the free will and that incredible personality control which I could not let go.

That has just about five weeks ago been sent back. The personality control is no longer important; the Spirit is now the great control in humans. But those who are enlightened and those who are on their way to enlightenment, had to do it with their personality control on their shoulders and with the free will as divine heritage. From now on it can therefore only become lighter. The family auras and extended family auras are withdrawn, so you get less condemnation. Also in the religion auras and culture auras a huge change is about to take place, because now the vanguard of humanity altogether stands as an avatar, as Morning Star, the divine breath can build the new world. You can already see it happen and it's great. Soon with the Christmas outpouring (2008), this divine breath goes around the world, and you'll see what accelerations are coming on this beautiful path to enlightenment, and how much lighter the road has become by the incredible creations we lately have given.
I welcome you on your path to enlightenment."

At one point Dennett agrees with Swaab: there is no soul. For the Aquarius mystical look to this I refer to my previous articles on April 11, Easter 2012 - Lang leve de ziel (Long live the soul, Part I and II) at my Dutch blog http://aquariusmystiek.blogspot.nl/  and translate with Google Translator in the sidebar.

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