There is no escape. With the
clearing of all traumas, fraud and other irregularities in the Aquarian Age
that stand in the way of love, the phenomenon of incest is one of the painful
issues that the last year over and again gets headlines worldwide. Was it first the Roman
Catholic church where the priests for decades raped children or committed
fornication, then came an attendant in an Amsterdam daycare centre in the news,
who managed to abuse more than 60 children and even record this on film to
spread on the internet. And now on May 1 it is announced that children in
orphanages and foster care are 'shockingly more often’ sexually abused than
those who live at home. Young people with mild intellectual disabilities are
even ten times more often a victim. And not once, sometimes they have to
undergo years of brutality. 23/6 Headlines in the United States: a Retired Penn State assistant football coach was found guilty of child abuse.
What is behind this, that adults, mostly unpunished, can go beyond the
limits of kids anyway?
Sonia Bos as a mystic was asked in 1997 by higher authority to give a lecture about the spiritual backgrounds of incest. Immediately after the introduction, she wants to lay out, "that victims of incest have dragged the idea and feeling of having lost luck many lives with them. It is present as a trauma in their akasha (personal archive of events). The focus of the cause of incest is therefore not at the perpetrator, but in the deepest inner yearning of man to regain wholeness to life. A primal homesickness to the state of happiness that man knew in the Source. The incarnation process has been experienced by man most often as a process of rejection, abuse; he did not want to leave the Source at all. Was it a punishment to have to incarnate? He had to learn to become aware that he is a divine spark, to realize in the dust to be a spark of God, of Spirit (love). By an incorrect translation, a lot of people feel caught up in guilt, unworthiness, rejection and outcasted, to be short a total self-rejection. It is this primal trauma that evokes incest. For man who rejects himself feels worthless, does not set limits. The first task that man on his awareness path therefore may face, is to break through this primal trauma of fear and feeling of being lost. He may learn to say 'no' against the "supremacy" around him. Then, with your awareness, you can help bring life in the creation to its destination.
Sonia Bos as a mystic was asked in 1997 by higher authority to give a lecture about the spiritual backgrounds of incest. Immediately after the introduction, she wants to lay out, "that victims of incest have dragged the idea and feeling of having lost luck many lives with them. It is present as a trauma in their akasha (personal archive of events). The focus of the cause of incest is therefore not at the perpetrator, but in the deepest inner yearning of man to regain wholeness to life. A primal homesickness to the state of happiness that man knew in the Source. The incarnation process has been experienced by man most often as a process of rejection, abuse; he did not want to leave the Source at all. Was it a punishment to have to incarnate? He had to learn to become aware that he is a divine spark, to realize in the dust to be a spark of God, of Spirit (love). By an incorrect translation, a lot of people feel caught up in guilt, unworthiness, rejection and outcasted, to be short a total self-rejection. It is this primal trauma that evokes incest. For man who rejects himself feels worthless, does not set limits. The first task that man on his awareness path therefore may face, is to break through this primal trauma of fear and feeling of being lost. He may learn to say 'no' against the "supremacy" around him. Then, with your awareness, you can help bring life in the creation to its destination.
Among the perpetrators of incest, we find many people who have sighed under
this problem for centuries and now they finally can experience supremacy over
an other person. Currently incest is a poignant problem coming to the surface,
in order that spiritual support must be offered to the deep rejection pattern
that for a large number of people is innate and already exists from the Big
What more can
you read in the reader or listen to the CD's of this topical day? Through various
meditations re-creations are given for the healing of the primal trauma and the
suppression of women by men and break the power of one person over another.
Sonia also gives an explanation to many questions from the audience such as:
- Why are men abusing boys?
- What about the mother who is watching, doing nothing or rejects her child
for this?
- Why do some mothers abuse their children?
- Can a mother, who has suffered incest, convey this to her daughters?
- How to build a new life pattern?
- How can I, in a new way, get contact with my daughters?
- What is the role of incest issues with very young children?
- What could help, except working on yourself, in your attitude towards the
- Can you,
over the boundary of life and death, provide transformation to the perpetrator
of incest problems?
For only a few dollars you can buy the Dutch article (€ 5.80) De spirituele achtergrond van incest (The spiritual background of incest) as a paper
reader, or download the reader (€ 4.00), or purchase four CD’s (€ 15, -). I sincerely hope
that many victims and perpetrators may engage the consciousness path so that
healing can take place. For that there has to come an end to so much misery, every
human being in his heart agrees with me. To order via the webshop at (Unfortunately this reader has not
been translated yet. Hopefully a volunteer with a Dutch/English background will
take up this task, for now use Google translate)