Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece



June 2012: the European football championships are taking place in the Ukraine and Poland; being in the spotlights, the newspapers may provide additional information about these countries. 18/6 Newspaper NRC Next anounced that in Ukraine a quiet disaster is taking place. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia the fastest growing HIV epidemic in the world is in progress. Besides Swaziland (Africa), with an infection rate of almost 26% of the population, Russia and the Ukraine cap everything: 1% of the population is HIV infected.
Mystic Sonia Bos, spokeswoman for the Aquarian Age, gave a lecture in 1995 titled AIDS, het spook van deze tijd (AIDS, the ghost of our time). In this reader she explains which people are receptive to this disease and why, and how the human being can increase his resistance against diseases such as AIDS and cancer. “The person infected with HIV / AIDS, is being called for an accelerated awareness of the spirit. Healing must come from the corner of re-creation of the genetic material, transformation of karma and taking responsibility to bring life, the creation on a higher plane.” Completed with a meditation for your own genetic material and the genesis of the Aquarius gene (Part 2).

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