Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Loving yourself

Today I met a friend in the supermarket. When I asked her how she was doing she said: "Good." She looked good on the outside. I told her I had started a blog to connect the Aquarian mysticism with everyday life events. "Oh," she said, "is it also about people like me?" It turned out that she is not doing well at all. Her youngest child just left home. She is uncapacitated to work, after many years, still not emotionally separated from her ex-husband, had just been told that she would receive very little alimony, also had a mishap with her knee and she dropped from her mouth that it might be better if she is no longer alive. Tears welled in her eyes. "Are you crazy!?" I told her, "legs have to do with your existence. The fact that you are born, gives you the right to exist. Is it not time to let go your ex?" "Yes”, she said, "and stand on my own feet." These are life lessons that we get here on earth. (And I thought afterwards: if you get away now, in the next life you will continue where you left off, so where does that get you). I pressed her against my heart and asked her if she would visualize a white rose in her heart. (She saw my bunch of white roses lying in the cart); they represent the Universal Christ power, unconditional love. If you put the white rose in your heart and claim change, you will see what is going to change! You can also put yourself in the golden sun, totally in the light, so that negativity has no chance to hit you. "Oh, now I can go on again for a while," she said. "I doubted whether I should go to the shops, but I went for a reason." And I gave her the telephone number of a friend who teaches to learn working with the creative power through universal symbols.
This gave me the idea to write a little about Houden van mijzelf en het leven (Loving myself and life), a book (a triptych) by mystic Sonia Bos that was published last year. Because over and again, it’s all about love, love, love. Sonia says: "To really love yourself is perhaps the hardest thing there is. Because it means to receive and admit love to the depths of your being. Feelings of self-denial, guilt, and (failure) anxiety close you up. It is therefore essential to make peace with yourself. In Houden van mijzelf (Loving myself) is explained in detail how you can achieve this. With the handles that are presented to you, you will be able to follow - from a deep acceptance of life – your life path in love for yourself. By learning to love yourself, you can also Leren houden van het leven (Learn to love life). And in Het leven als uitdaging (Life as a challenge) the laws of resurrection in the Aquarian age are explained. You are told that you are the creator of your own destiny. If you dare to live by these laws, life will challenge you and give you a new perspective, increasingly less affected by emotions." So if you are ready to finally step out of that victimization, then this book could give you a move in the right direction!  (Including many answers to questions of the audience and several meditations (Free from original sin, Reversal of the genes, On my way in Universal Life, and initations for Selfhealing and Resurrection)
Unfortunately this book has not been translated in English yet. Hopefully somebody will pick this up. For now: ask Google translate to do it for you. You can order the download CA05D via www.soniabos.nl.

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