Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Cardiovascular diseases

In a newspaper article of 23 February this year was indicated that the Dutch eat too much salt: men 9.9 and women 7.5 grams instead of 6 grams, according to a study by RIVM (Dutch government institute for public health and environment). Ready-made ​​meals like pizza (15 grams) and processed meats are 'salt bombs’. Salt has, without thinking, become a seasoning, which we carelessly strew. If we eat 3 grams less salt daily, 2000 people less will die annually from heart disease. Apart from the Netherlands, elsewhere in the world it will not be much different. Not using the salt jar or prepare your food with fresh products as much as you can, won’t increase your blood pressure, you might say. Of course you can look for causes from different perspectives. This is one aspect of the food supply side, while I haven't talked about cholesterolproblems by eating too much animal products like meat, mussels, shrimps, butter, cheese, eggs and yoghurt. People, who stand for a holistic approach, would like to investigate multiple angles.

The Aquarius mysticism gives a spiritual perspective on cardiovascular diseases: The major epidemic diseases such as cancer, AIDS and cardiovascular disease are incurred by life clearing away karma on a large scale, for which in this Aquarian age is no longer place. It is especially the emotional burden of living that brings a heart- or vascular disease. Through awareness and transformation, meditation with universal symbols control from the higher being, your creative power, in addition to medical care, can bring healing. That it is no coincidence if someone suffers from heart or vascular disease, is described by Sonia Bos in the reader Hart- envaatziekten (Cardiovascular diseases), including questions / answers and meditation. For a more detailed explanation or to order see her website. As this reader is in Dutch, I recommend you to have it translated by Google translator. (The English version needs a review before it can be published!)  

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