In a short
time, take the last few years, there is a lot happening in the world. To
mention a few things: an earthquake in Haiti, a tsunami in Japan, a shift in
power relations, the Arab spring: Egypt expels its leader, Libya follows.
Unrest in Morocco and rebellion of the people in Syria. Israel fears that Iran
will use nuclear weapons against them. The global financial crisis, started in
the U.S. revealing various banking frauds, and two economic recessions, causing
much unemployment. Countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain crash into
budget problems. Again many iniquities come to the surface, so they can be
purified. The movement Occupy Wall street expands globally. And in between
there are catholic priests who abused children worldwide for decades, there is
a desire to liberate sex slaves in Africa and other sex scandals among American
and French politicians take place. The "common man" opposes all these
abuses and rises massively. And governments don’t stay behind, though they
could do better: Greece is remediated, Italy eliminates the tax fraudsters:
more than a million homes have never been registered.
This all has
to do with the great Aquarius purification that the next 200 to 300 years (though it seems to go faster
than was foreseen at the time) will take place. A few statements from several
articles from Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian mysticism
about this purification:
September 11, 2001 (nine eleven!) - Theapocalypse has begun: "Now that our creation has chosen to
be a light creation, the laws of cause and effect are gradually uprooted. The large outstanding debt of karma will
therefore be mirrored now. In fact the word "karma" is not to be
found in the Aquarian blueprint and therefore in creation the great cleansing
of the remaining debt of karma commenced. The Aquarian purification has started
and it is envisaged that within 200 to 300 years the influence of the Piscean
Age, with its laws of cause and effect will entirely be taken from the fluid."
Stress, a new epidemic: “The great Aquarian purification and innovations require their toll everywhere. (An example: in a Dutch newspaper recently was stated that statistics had shown that women take more tranquilizers than birth control pills!)
Life has come
in a rapid. It's like we are on a roller coaster. We race down faster and
faster and we crave for the moment when we are brought back up, so that the tension
can be carried off. Unfortunately, that time is at least 200 to 300 years away from
us, because that is the time when in the Aquarian Age that has started, the great
purge persists. "
For the full articles and books see
Scarcityand Abundance, (2004): “The Aquarian
purification is a period of 200-300 years, in which man needs to redeem his own
accumulated karma. And – let's be honest – that's not what we are waiting for
now that life offers so much fun opportunities to choose from! The Creator
however has his plan well thought out. Against the great binding force of the
material world, He has posted the great purification of the world karma. He has
also placed his grace next to it. Together with the phased ratifying of the
blueprint, He has released the tuitions how man, with the new mental abilities
that the Aquarian blueprint offers, can protect himself against the great
effect of karma that goes around the world. He teaches us to rely on our spirit
to find our creative abilities with which we can neutralize our karma on our
own! At the moment the material world is pulling the hardest at us and its
possibilities are very large, the Creator gives a clear signal: man, search and
find the power of your spirit. That is your true happiness. That’s the way to
go!" (See the Dutch article Schaarste en Overvloed and
translate it with Google translator)
The new power of constructing, 2004: "In 1989, at the eve of the ratification
of the first part of the Aquarian blueprint, the first Directional of Karma of
the Creator was put forth. With this directional, the Aquarian purification set
off, so the karma of acting would be purified. During the first Aquarian
blueprints in 1994 also the focus of karma was withdrawn. Karma would not
personally be reflected – which takes a lot of time – but from then on it would
be unfocused, as a fallout over life. It was clear that the Creator speeded the
purification of karma! Moreover, He took the decision that the newly generated
karma no longer would be registered as usual, but it would be reflected
instantaneously! This was serious to the Creator.
So the Creator pushed the power of the demolition
of the old in life: everything that was erected from the laws of cause and
effect, and could not carry the predicate 'love', would be demolished! Life
would respond as soon as possible to love and later to light as well. The
Creator focused the strength of the degradation also to the Pisces Era institutions
that were no longer innovative; to the institutions that had become rigid and
dogmatic. Life would indeed renew: it would have to comply with the laws of
Universal Love and Universal Light." (See
the Dutch article and translate it with Google translator)
Book: Op weg naarverlichting, het pad van verlichting van de mens in een nieuwe tijd (On our way to enlightenment, the path ofenlightenment of man in a new era) (2010): "Dear man, the herald has blown. The new
Spirit of God descends already into life. It has also led to the massive credit
crunch and power shifts that we currently see put to work. Life renews
completely and you can help. First you may see and understand what is going on
in your personal life, and from there you can work on a global scale. Because
from now on the work that I bring forth here is meant on a global level. You
start as a human with his/her problems and make that broad, so that at a global
level you can put the deepened, renewed Spirit of God at work everywhere.
Therefore it is important that you discover that in you there is an incredible
power, an incredible power reservoir, which even transcends the old Spirit of
God. A totally new spirit of God is revealed in your God-being and we are
working to ground this. Hence this period is so heavy for many. We initiate a
huge evolution, no, a spiritual revolution. There really will not stay one
stone on the other any longer; an entire new life will be built. But let it not
frighten you, because we ourselves put love in the first place. For we own this
immense reservoir of love and unity in our soul, that - through our daily
consciousness - we can bring forward."
How can I do something about it!?
Now you might say: "So, how can
I do something about it!" In case you want to do something about it, first
take good care of yourself. Clean up your own unfinished "loose
ends". Luckily with the arrival of the Aquarian Age, you need no longer
work it out one by one with your family, friends or colleagues at work.
Transformation is now called the savior of mankind. By means of power of your
spirit you can get yourself clean, allowing you to rid your complaints and
ailments and you will be placed in your power. Read for example the booklet An introduction to transformation.
A nice book about the evolution of
human consciousness, where issues such as transformation of karma and the
interaction between mind and body are described, is the book In a nutshell -Life as a process of growth. Detailed product information can be
found on the web shop!
The download of the book Houden van mijzelf en het leven (Loving myself and life) is also a good one.
How often do you not say yes to another and thus no to yourself!? This is
perhaps the hardest thing there is: to receive love and admit this love to the
depths of your being. Sonia Bos knows how to cope with it! (Buy the Dutch download and translate it with
Google translator)
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