Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Cancer and awareness

Publications in Nature and Science show early August that from three separate studies in the Netherlands, America and Belgium tumor growth is caused by specific stem cells. These findings may offer clues for the development of new cancer drugs. We all have in our family or acquaintances to deal with cancer. Fortunately, not everyone dies from it. But because of this, all together we go through a jumble of feelings such as disbelief, fear, sadness, despair, hope. In 2010 there were 44.000 mortalities from cancer in the Netherlands. Worldwide 7.6 million people die annually from this disease. Let’s hope that soon new discoveries in health care are made, to get the major endemic diseases such as cancer, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, dementia under control.

What can we do ourselves in the meantime!?
The first inspired lecture by mystic Sonia Bos in 1996, of which a reader was made, is called Kanker, het onnodige verdriet (Cancer, the unnecessary sorrow). There she explains the role of major endemic diseases and why we get cancer, and indicates that "awareness is the basis of healing cancer. You are encouraged to identify your connectedness with all living things. The Aquarius mysticism shows the way how, through strength of spirit, you can achieve this in the fight against cancer."
In 2004, additional lessons for the Age of Aquarius (the next 2000 years) follow from the Source of Life, where Sonia has access to via her inner guidance, under the title Kanker enkarma (Cancer and karma).  Sonia identifies four spiritual elements that cause cancer. And that "man will learn to clean up the densification of his consciousness. By working with the creative power negative karma is neutralized and enlightenment can be achieved for yourself and for all life."  

This requires some explanation. It is meant to be that people become increasingly AWARE to clean their mind: live responsible from Love, in thought, word and deed, in the first place for yourself and then for your environment and earth. That we do not generate anymore negativity, but that in this new era, from our inner strength, we lay down the new human and a new society, a new earth. Sonia gives insightful answers to the questions from the audience and closes her lectures/readers with supportive meditations.

For more information click on Sonia Bos at the links in the right column. If you choose to start right away, within minutes you can have the Dutch downloads in your possession! (have Google translated them!) For those who prefer listening to the original Dutch lectures, order the CD's.

PS: 16/8 Inhibitory Cancer gene discovered (UMC Utrecht, Netherlands) which prevents the functioning of the growth signal of stem cells!

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