Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Building a new world

That there are major changes in this new time Barack Obama announced already five years ago in his election campaign with the theme 'Change we can believe in'. The financial world collapsed, and is not yet in order. That was meant to be according to the Aquarian Mysticism (see The credit crunch, a spiritual outlook). But he managed to reach that some 12 million people in the U.S. are eligible for health care. Something that many presidents before him had failed to accomplish!
The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant fits nicely in the changes: On May 2, there appeared an advertisement from the Foundation Share Netherlands titled: Humanity at a crossroads, which includes the following content: Where are we going now? Do you choose a fairer society for all 7 billion people? Are you ready to put effort in redeeming our planet from pollution? Would you take action now to eradicate hunger and to save billions of lives? Do you fancy working with others to make the right choices and to build a better world for everyone? Now is the time. And so on.
And on March 7 in the same newspaper there was an advertisement of the journal Vrij Nederland (Free Netherlands)  with the front page: Radical innovators: 23 ideas for a better world.
Apparently we are ready to create this new world.

How does the Aquarian Mysticism look at these innovations? Mystic Sonia Bos has written about this topic in several articles, such as Op weg naar een betere wereld (Towards a better world): "In the blueprint of life enormous changes are taking place. Although invisible, they are surely felt! And everyone on Earth is involved…

The Cosmic Man
In 1989 human consciousness underwent a major change. In the seven-fold awareness of the Piscean Age man the gate was opened to its original thirteen fold divine consciousness. His consciousness became thirteen fold, so that the Universal Love (Christ) and the Universal Unity (the Creator) could be expressed in it. Thus man became the cosmic man, who can completely unlock the Source of Life in himself and bring it to life. In 2004 we have a blueprint that is based on the Universal Love and this can now also fully be expressed by man!
Man was called to this consciousness mutation to bring, as an instrument, with his thirteen-fold consciousness everything in life that is still imperfect and still far from loving to the perfect state of Universal Love.”

De grote ompoling – van nemen naar geven (The great shift - from taking to giving) "The Age of Aquarius (2000 - 4000) is the era of ‘we’. Thus it is contrary to the Piscean Age (0 - 2000), where especially the ‘I’ counted. From ‘I’ to "we" is a great upheaval, we will see unfold within ourselves and in our society.

From taking to giving
If we are focused on our 'I', on our ego, our attention is inwardly focused. Our chakras are then withdrawn, inward-looking. If we aim to the other and to the public interest – to the ‘we’, we will need to focus our attention field outwards. Then our chakras will flip, so we can give.

In this way our behavior changes from taking to giving. Taking in the broadest sense of the word, such as receiving or needing attention from therapists or from our environment. In giving we become supporting, supportive, on small or large scale. We will continue to think wider and eventually the world becomes our focus point. We are going to think globally, allowing us to relativize our own interests and a 'we-feeling' is born in us."

Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld (Building a new world): "We are getting more sensitive, also the burden that our welfare entails, increases constantly. Therefore we have to deal with all kinds of allergies and intolerances, such as food intolerance and dye intolerance. Our body is in fact extremely heavily burdened by these factors and our resistance rather undermined. Our old resistance mechanism of the Piscean Age, which was carried by a sevenfold consciousness, therefore no longer meets the needs. It cannot withstand such a large load as today's society imposes. A higher and stronger resistance mechanism wants therefore to be active, a resistance mechanism that is supported by the thirteen-fold consciousness of the cosmic human, and that is put to work by our thymuschakra!

To be able to activate that higher resistance mechanism, we will have to appeal to our cosmic humanity and bring it to development. We will then stand in life as the cosmic man/woman, and learn to live from the Aquarius facts with its laws of Love and Unity. Eventually, we will then stand as a ‘worker’ in everyday life in order to contribute to building the world.”  

Met de raket mee omhoog – een flinke injectie tot bewustwording en groei (Going up with the rocket - a considerable injection to awareness and growth): "Yes, the world is ready for it, because wé are ready for it. Ready to provide the world this gigantic acceleration of evolution, to guide this, to transform and to beautify it. The great resurrection of life has begun. A triumph, of which the outcome was determined long ago."

In de draaikolk van het leven (In the vortex of life): Life entered a big rapid. We find ourselves in a vortex, a large swirling floodgate, resulting in a total renewal of life.
Yes, you may be thinking, yet another golden promise for over a hundred years, if not longer. But fortunately I can refute this right here. The image of the vortex, the floodgate and the almost exploding entering of the new life, can take place nów in every human being. However, it requires a total surrender to the movement of life. Because with the less resistance you enter this phase of life, the faster you shoot into your new life, your resurrection life!

A quantum leap in evolution is made​​: we are sucked from one dimension into the next dimension of life.”

Click on the titles to read the full articles of The credit crunch; a spiritual outlook and The great shift

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