Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Shifts in the food chain

On July 12th there was an article in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, titled: ‘The farmed fish beats the cow.’ For the first time in history, there is more fish bred than there is beef produced.

Sonia Bos, founder of the Aquarian Mysticism, already in 1999 has reported through inner vision about the enormous changes taking place on Earth within the realms of nature. This should be seen over a longer period of time. Nevertheless, the first symptoms begin to take shape. The animal, plant and mineral together with the human being entered a higher evolutionary spiral of life to give life on earth, from their new expanded consciousness, a new face.

"The bio-industry will disappear
A totally different diet pattern will emerge, in which hunting by man - now replaced by battery cages, the fattened calves and the whole excess of factory farming - will slowly cease to exist.

Question: Should the animal and the plant still continue to serve in the food chain?

The spirit as the most complete food
Sonia: The actual food in the material world for man consists of Spirit. When we have fully realized the Spirit of God in our humanity, we could completely feed ourselves from that Spirit. That will happen in the future, even now there are already people who are capable. I recently was reading an article about someone who has not eaten for many years, only now and then she takes some chocolate, because she is really fond of it. This woman has apparently reached a state of consciousness in which she can feed herself entirely from Spirit.

Now man's fourth akasha has been unlocked: the divine consciousness akasha (after the personality akasha, the soul akasha and divine akasha, the connection of the spirit with Spirit, ed.), it has become possible for every human being to realize God’s Spirit in himself. In addition to the three physical dimensions, he can also carry and realize the divine dimension within. When man has realized the four dimensions within, he can feed himself from Spirit. At that time we no longer need to slaughter animals and eat no more plants, only if we would choose to do so, but not out of necessity.

The animal, in which recently three akasha’s have become active and therefore will develop a three-dimensional consciousness, cannot feed itself from the Spirit yet. It does hold the need to either feed itself with another animal, or to feed itself with plants. It will search for plant-based foods as it is more focused on its soul aspects and animal foods if it needs more grounding, more yang, to be able to exist. But we, who will transcend duality, will thus transcend our food requirements, and will therefore increasingly appeal less to nature, to the sacrifice of life.

Eating from deeper empathy
People often ask me if it's a good thing to be a vegetarian. My answer is always:  'Not necessarily!’ In a stage where you want to express your soul aspects it is good to be a vegetarian, but sometimes you really need to eat a steak because you need grounding and decisiveness. As long as we are in a developing phase in which our food requirements can fluctuate, we can only choose from our deepest feelings of what we want to eat. In that way we keep our yin-yang balance evenly.

Sometimes we are attracted to useless food, such as a bonbon. Eating something sweet has a function in curbing our emotions. Going on our awareness journey however, we will increasingly eat purer food and vent our emotions less with something yins. We can take the yin aspect through our minds, generating such a State of Being in us that we no longer need acting-out our emotions with food. In the near future we will find a healthy balance between eating plants and animal food, but mainly we will notice that we need less and less food.

Vegetarianism and the integration of the Spirit
For a long time, the idea has taken root that, in order to grow spiritually, it is necessary to be a vegetarian. Vegetarianism will certainly help you on your way, it supports your soul processes, but the moment you arrive at the Spirit and then must try to integrate this into the material, you may need to take more yang-oriented food, because otherwise you cannot shape the flow of the Spirit into the fabric. You then have lost too much of your vigor or have released your grounding too far, to be able to bring the Spirit into matter. And that is just the higher purpose of life now."

Text from the book : De grote veranderingen in de natuur, (The major changes in nature), 2001.

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