Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Dementia among the elderly decreases

The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant of July 18th indicates that a new British study has shown that the number of dementia cases in England and Wales has dropped by 25% in people aged 65 years and over during the last two decades! It is likely that this trend also occurs in other developed countries. It is assumed that this is due to the level of prosperity and education. People are more aware of the importance of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle by their increased consciousness.

During the reading Dementie, het vroegtijdige verlies (Dementia, the premature loss) mystic Sonia Bos told: “The major endemic diseases – cancer, aids, cardiovascular disease and dementia – have everything to do with the purification of karma, where we go through by the onset of consciousness in life. The first three pandemics have all to do with the lower nature of man, the lowest three chakras. But since we have entered the Age of Aquarius, we may grow into the higher nature of man. There is a call on us to distinguish our higher nature, to bear from there responsibility over our lower nature. At a later stage we may even accomplish an integration of our higher nature in our lower nature.
Those who seek to evade and to escape their higher nature, will become demented. Alone in the Netherlands there are 300.000 people with dementia (1995). Dementia seems to have become a common disease. (In 2013 this is 256,000, thus also in our country a decrease can be observed, ed.)! 

Dementia has to do with a projection of the Creator on the heart chakra of the human being. This was addressed to touch man’s awareness that there is a hidden higher nature in himself and that he can bear responsibility from this higher being for his lower nature: over matter, his desires and his emotions. Anyone who depends too much on his lower nature, gets to work out a portion of karma on these three levels.
Fortunately, in the spiral of awareness a rescue plan was built in and tuition has been released about transformation. Transformation means that man must learn to focus the creative power inherent in him – which he finds in his higher nature -, with the aim to neutralize the residual debt of his karma.
Every human who really chooses to want to be aware, will not become demented. When humans en masse discover and unlock their higher nature, no one any longer will suffer from these diseases. These diseases, which are now pandemic diseases, will then completely become history.
Dementia is fleeing the confrontation with yourself and the life you have lived. It is fleeing from the stage where you have to bring forward the positivity in your life. Very often this is not a conscious flight, as it just happens to people who are not much aware.
It is a basic fact that just the one who is not so conscious gets demented. He/she who is aware, does not become demented. This human works consciously at his consciousness, will deliberately engage to the deeper purpose of life. He wants to forgive and truly love. This man has the power to draw from his own deeper essence, to be able to also pass this phase of his life gloriously.

The importance of transformation
In the Aquarian Mysticism is reported over the opening of the Source in humans. Through his cosmic consciousness man can pick up the creative forces from the Source. In this data the healing of the demented human can be found. When we draw the strength of creation from the Source through our cosmic consciousness, we can directly generate consciousness in man, also in the human who does not want to. This process is called transformation. By transforming we can envelop the creative power around this person and by the provided consciousness the dementia process will be slowed down. We cannot manipulate this, because the power of creation is selfless love. She will only bring love."

Would you like to know more about dementia, see my blog article Dementia, the premature loss.

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