Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Transparency: what do you mean the scourge of our time? - part 1

In the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant of July 25th Ana van Es writes a column about the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has not yet received asylum in Russia. In the United States Snowden is considered a traitor who may be ‘responsible for the most harmful information leak in U.S. history’, according to his former boss at the CIA and NSA eavesdropping service, Michael Hayden. Hayden continues: ‘Edward Snowden has a serious problem. He sees transparency as a virtue. Transparency, that’s the scourge of our time.’ There are fears that a young generation of workers born after 1980, like Snowden, believes in transparency as well.
Hayden’s fear will come true: There will be more and more people all over the world, who consciously choose for transparency, love, openness, who say what they think, without secrets: they are the Aquarius masters who guide the big transition to a purer, fairer way of life.

Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism held many lectures where she talked about transparency. Some quotes:

In Liefde (Love) 1993: “The Universal Christ in the hearts of the people
I am the Universal Christ. That does not mean that the old Christ, Jesus of Nazareth has had his day. It means that He has merged in his Universality. This being is Me. I speak a new language. I call the man from the inside, through the heart. I am your inner leader. I am the World leader of Aquarius. I speak through my channel (Sonia Bos, ed.), who will go around the world to bring new tuition, my teachings. She is a transparent channel, but an ordinary person. No one is privileged.
The message, that’s Me. I want to reach the human being to explain that I am in him. So know that I always come from within, but as long as man does not know that I am inside him, I operate through my channels. The unconscious human is approached in this manner from the outside, but the Aquarius Age is shaping  itself from within.
I am the divine heart chakra. I am the Ark of Conservation. I am the Son and the Father, for the Son merged with the Father. I Am. I open a spiritual ashram, a spiritual fluid, in which you can work. Therefore I removed the blockades. You can find me in yourself. I will give you my keys. You rise above your ego to come to me. That is a prerequisite.
No one comes to me otherwise than in transparency. A total surrender is the gate. I train you in the previous phase. Master Jesus will guide you to connect you with the inner Source where you will find me. You can find me in the Source within yourself, at heart level. You go through the selfless love.
Master Jesus leads you, until you, phase after phase, arrive in such a deep surrender, that you reach the Universality of Love, which I am. I am the Universality of Love. Master Jesus is the unselfish love. Together we are on our way. One cannot exist without the other.”

In De mens door de eeuwen heen op zoek (Man searching over the centuries) 1999:
The power of Christ and the Creator in man – In the future we will increasingly live for love, spirit, silence and transparency. We will experience a delicate, more subtle way of living and value of life. We are going to stand for very new values of life. Everything is newly created as in Revelation is stated: ‘Behold, I make all things new!’ Then really starts what the Creator has said. At this moment he calls his six billion instruments to help Him renew life. So, do not feel powerless, you do not fight alone. You are fighting a battle for life. You have two great allies: the Christ and the Creator in you, and that force is enormous.”

In Vrijheid (Freedom) 2003 is stated: "Where ever cosmic order is created, chaos and karma cannot be any longer. The cosmic order is pure transparency, pure unity. This pure love we can bring out now and will instantly convert negative karma - which is not structured according to the Plan of Creation".
"Society renewal starts at the withdrawal of your projections on one another: 'If only you were different, I could function better. If I were to get another supervisor, my work would be fruitful.’ Pull back all your projections and build the cosmic order in yourself. Dispatch this from yourself. Consider a situation where you find difficulties, for example at work, and just let it be. Let the primordial state of being be, the cosmic order, pure transparency, pure love. Are things not working as you would like them to do, then go to the primordial state of being in yourself and take a look why it turns out different than you had hoped for. In this way you can find out what problems you may convert to participate in this cosmic planning.”

See part 2 on Transparency in the next blog article!

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