Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


The spiritual background of incest

There is no escape. With the clearing of all traumas, fraud and other irregularities in the Aquarian Age that stand in the way of love, the phenomenon of incest is one of the painful issues that the last year over and again gets headlines worldwide. Was it first the Roman Catholic church where the priests for decades raped children or committed fornication, then came an attendant in an Amsterdam daycare centre in the news, who managed to abuse more than 60 children and even record this on film to spread on the internet. And now on May 1 it is announced that children in orphanages and foster care are 'shockingly more often’ sexually abused than those who live at home. Young people with mild intellectual disabilities are even ten times more often a victim. And not once, sometimes they have to undergo years of brutality. 23/6 Headlines in the United States: a Retired Penn State assistant football coach was found guilty of child abuse.

What is behind this, that adults, mostly unpunished, can go beyond the limits of kids anyway?
Sonia Bos as a mystic was asked in 1997 by higher authority to give a lecture about the spiritual backgrounds of incest. Immediately after the introduction, she wants to lay out, "that victims of incest have dragged the idea and feeling of having lost luck many lives with them. It is present as a trauma in their akasha (personal archive of events). The focus of the cause of incest is therefore not at the perpetrator, but in the deepest inner yearning of man to regain wholeness to life. A primal homesickness to the state of happiness that man knew in the Source. The incarnation process has been experienced by man most often as a process of rejection, abuse; he did not want to leave the Source at all. Was it a punishment to have to incarnate? He had to learn to become aware that he is a divine spark, to realize in the dust to be a spark of God, of Spirit (love). By an incorrect translation, a lot of people feel caught up in guilt, unworthiness, rejection and outcasted, to be short a total self-rejection. It is this primal trauma that evokes incest. For man who rejects himself feels worthless, does not set limits. The first task that man on his awareness path therefore may face, is to break through this primal trauma of fear and feeling of being lost. He may learn to say 'no' against the "supremacy" around him. Then, with your awareness, you can help bring life in the creation to its destination.
Among the perpetrators of incest, we find many people who have sighed under this problem for centuries and now they finally can experience supremacy over an other person. Currently incest is a poignant problem coming to the surface, in order that spiritual support must be offered to the deep rejection pattern that for a large number of people is innate and already exists from the Big Bang."

What more can you read in the reader or listen to the CD's of this topical day? Through various meditations re-creations are given for the healing of the primal trauma and the suppression of women by men and break the power of one person over another. Sonia also gives an explanation to many questions from the audience such as:
- Why are men abusing boys?
- What about the mother who is watching, doing nothing or rejects her child for this?
- Why do some mothers abuse their children?
- Can a mother, who has suffered incest, convey this to her daughters?
- How to build a new life pattern?
- How can I, in a new way, get contact with my daughters?
- What is the role of incest issues with very young children?
- What could help, except working on yourself, in your attitude towards the offender?
- Can you, over the boundary of life and death, provide transformation to the perpetrator of incest problems?
For only a few dollars you can buy the Dutch article (€ 5.80) De spirituele achtergrond van incest (The spiritual background of incest) as a paper reader, or download the reader (€ 4.00), or purchase four CD’s (€ 15, -). I sincerely hope that many victims and perpetrators may engage the consciousness path so that healing can take place. For that there has to come an end to so much misery, every human being in his heart agrees with me. To order via the webshop at www.soniabos.nl. (Unfortunately this reader has not been translated yet. Hopefully a volunteer with a Dutch/English background will take up this task, for now use Google translate)

Migration of peoples

Secretary Leers for Immigration, Integration and Asylum in the Netherlands wants to significantly accelerate and intensify the procedure for admission of asylum seekers. Throughout the centuries, various groups of people from abroad moved to countries such as the Netherlands. From the history lessons I remember a number of events, that have to do with the movement of people: the great migration in 400 AD, the French Huguenots who came to the Netherlands to escape the religious war; the Jews who settled in Antwerp and Amsterdam, and migrated around the 2nd World War to the United States and Israel. KNIL soldiers made the crossing from Indonesia and many Antilleans come here to study or work. In the sixties and seventies many Moroccan and Turkish migrants were invited to work in Northern Europe, their families followed later and at a later date many asylum seekers from Africa seek salvation in the wealthy countries. But the flow does not stop: Iraqis, Iranians and people from Afghanistan are fleeing their country for political reasons. And recently I read in the newspaper that for the first time in history in the United States more than 50% of the newborn babies are not from white parents.

What's the big advantage when so many nations around the world are spreading? In 1996, Sonia Bos gave a lecture from her mystical connection with the Truth of Life. She contemplates inwards from the Universal Source in herself, that over the years has slowly opened, to lift some veils on the scattering of nations in the Aquarian Age (2000 - 4000).
Sonia: "Many exoduses of the peoples have a basis that Moses already then pointed out: the people choose no longer to be suppressed. In fact you will see again and again a repetition of the exodus of Moses. Amazingly many people shake off the domination of the pharaoh.
Incredibly many women are still oppressed. It is not the divine desire that one half of humanity, suppresses the other half. Spiritual freedom is a divine inheritance, man is equal. With the exodus of man still an awful lot of suffering is involved. Does not every asylum seeker, refugee in one way or another seek the promised land? Is it not just seeking for a bit of love, a piece of happiness, warmth, understanding, accommodation, security, acceptance and a little help? "
Sonia describes why we actually need exoduses and further explains the consciousness journey of the human and how he can break through his ordeal, his Via Dolorosa. About the creation that is still in progress and that man will be helpful in the management of evolution and the comprehensive consciousness of man. And of course she answers questions about

- Holy wars (conducted in the name of religion)
- The difference in the role of husband and wife
- The scattering of the Jewish people
- The process of individualization and broken family ties

Are you interested in more information, read Vluchtelingen, de verstrooiing der volkeren (Refugees, the scattering of the people) or visit the webshop (and use Google translation). In this reader the meaning and intent of the refugee flows is made clearly from a spiritual angle.

40% of priests want to dispose of celibacy

Are you also waiting for the moment that mandatory celibacy in the Catholic Church is abolished? Today appears, according to a poll in the Netherlands, that nearly 40 percent of 135 clergymen is pro elimination of the prevailing ban on marriage and sex. How did we actually get there? This is created by the church fathers themselves, so the clergy could devote themselves completely to God; but nowadays this is outdated. The clergy should stand in the fullness of life, and from there serve God. Has the time not come that spiritual freedom becomes reality. Then everyone can choose, the clergy included, whether or not to seek a partner and love him or her wholeheartedly. After all, Jesus had still his girlfriend Mary Magdalene. Come on Mr. Ratzinger, just before your initiation to pope Benedict XVI you have already indicated that you cannot exclude that celibacy will ever be abolished. This is your chance, evolve and let pure Love thrive!


Obama speaks out and declares support for same-sex marriage

The most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, Barack Obama stated on May 9th that homosexuals have the right to love and marry one another. From his Christian faith he says the following: "In principle, the point is that we not only have to think of Christ who sacrificed himself for us, but it is also the Golden Rule - treat others as you like to be treated.” He is pictured on the internet, sitting on the back of the unicorn of equality, while from his hands all colors of the rainbow radiate. And all this, while voters in North Carolina just approved a ban on same-sex marriage this week. But there are also already ten states, plus Washington DC where gay marriage is now allowed.

In the Aquarian mysticism, in meditation universal symbols are used to work with the creative power. One is the White Unicorn, a transmutation symbol with which you evoke the strength of the Almighty, the 7th dimension in the consciousness of the Universal Christ. Transmute means, reversing a negative situation into a positive situation, to the original meaning of life.
On April first, I briefly focused on the gay human in the article Mankind is standing up in the Aquarian age. I like to give a further explanation of the book that mystic Sonia Bos has written:
 Het kosmisch perspectief van de mens; man, vrouw, homosexualiteit en de maatschappij (The cosmic perspective of the human being; man, woman, homosexuality and society)
Back cover: The book is a trilogy of lectures, where it first examines the specific role of the man and woman in creation, followed by the specific role of the homosexual human. Explained is why in our world of duality, men and women received their own task force and how the yang of males and the yin strength of women in recent times has worked. With the advent of the Aquarian Age (from about the year 2000) the world and the consciousness of mankind is changing at a rapid pace. Therefore not only men and women are changing, but also their relationship, which grows towards equivalence. The differences between men and women are diminishing, but they retain their own, deepened task which is further explained.
In the third lecture Sonia indicates that primal nostalgia to the Source can be seen as the cause of homosexuality: "Part of human life opposed to having to live in the duality with the associated (Dory: reduced) state of consciousness. This opposition also brings primal rage. In this manner three categories of people originate: men, women and homosexual humans. The gay human can be seen as a pioneer on returning to the Source. (Dory: the recognition that we as humans are a divine spark, who, from Love and Unity are authorized to work with our creative power to establish a new earth) The primal rage is considered very functionally and especially in this time is tickled awake by the Creator and additionally encouraged. The homosexuals will provide extra support to life in its returning to the Source."
The exodus of homosexuals has begun, writes Sonia in 1997. "A complete army is prepared. The phase of aggression brings just that downwards which needs to be demolished. We are going forwards from an old society to a new society. We are moving to a life of love and equality and in this event aggression is the engine to break down, and resistance is the engine to stop what has decayed. So in this, the homosexual human plays an important role."
Furthermore Sonia explains the different levels of awareness of the homosexual human and she answers questions such as:
-          Has the homosexual human being, who lives right now, been gay throughout all previous lives?
-          Has that choice at the beginning been a very definite one or are there degrees to be distinguished?
-          Where is bisexuality related to?
-          You mentioned that many gay people suffer from primal rage. There are also many people who react very strongly against homosexuality, which seems also a sort of primal rage. Could you say more about that?
-          Does the heterosexual accept duality? After all he has also been lost from the Source.
-          The coming-out is often a difficult process for the young homosexual human, especially during puberty. Can you tell something about this, relating to changing the world?

Unfortunately there is only a draft of this book in English, which needs to be revised by a native English/American speaker. If anyone is really interested, please register yourself as a volunteering translator on the website of Sonia Bos: www.soniabos.com.


Depression and its causes

A depression develops when a person is being deprived of contact with the inner impulse of light. This being deprived of the impulse of light can have many causes. These can vary from continuously bad weather with its gloomy haze, from your partner's mood, actual relationship or marital problems, problems at work, financial problems, illness in your family or in that of relatives, to the passing away of a loved one entailing the unavoidable coming to terms with loss. The causes of depression can be as many as there are facets of life!

Unfortunately, there are also types of depression that are less obvious. To understand this kind of depression - and more importantly - and wanting to heal them, we will have to go further back than our present life in order to find out what caused them. Furthermore, we should look further than man's personality. We should also consider the threefold division of life in personality, soul and spirit and adopt the principle of reincarnation. For approaching the phenomenon of depression from a mystical point of view, see the entire article Depression or the Dutch readers Depressie een zonnige toekomst (Depression, a sunny future), or Depressie, een beetje down of is het meer? (Depression, a little bit down or is it more?)  at www.soniabos.com.

Mankind is standing up in the Aquarian Age (2000 – 4000)

In 2011 we saw the movement Occupy come into existence, people who cannot agree that there is such disparity in the world. People are increasingly standing in their empowerment. Besides men, now women too. We see it happening around us. It were the women who helped their husbands in Libya in pursuit of (spiritual) freedom. Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu called on the women in late January at the World Economic Forum in Davos to restore the (political) power to relationships. The homosexual human asks for recognition of equal rights for men and women. With the advent of the Aquarian Age (from about the year 2000) the world and the consciousness of mankind is changing at a rapid pace. Especially in this time of transition the homosexual human plays an important role as a converter.

In early February, a powerful American interest club (Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation) that has to spend $ 2 million in the fight against breast cancer, was forced to roll back a controversial decision after an uprising on Twitter. The board had decided not to give more donations to Planned Parenthood, because besides testing women for breast cancer, she also helps in family planning and abortions. Three days after the launch of the anti-campaign on Twitter, the foundation surrendered; the cash donations will be resumed.

The magic of the year 2012

What can we expect from the year 2012? The great seers in ancient times, like at the time of the Mayans, could see no further than the year 2012. Seers in the new era can. Thus Eckart Tolle announces the new earth. By living as much as possible in the present, you have less burden or worries and difficult feelings which so far in your life  have played a role. Can you imagine life as a play? By accepting what is, you transcend your ego (the actor) and you live from your higher self (the director), your soul essence. The seer Sonia Bos, calls that living from your inner guidance, the Source, the divine within you, Love. About 2012 she received the following teaching: “No, the world will not cease to exist! On the contrary, the world will enter into a process of resurrection. All standards and values that applied until now, will be abandoned. A totally new foundation for the world will be built, resulting in entirely new laws and new values. Because I, Creator, wish to completely renew life and you, man, will be my instrument in accomplishing this!"
Read the complete article The magic of the year 2012.
Are you curious? Visit the website of Sonia Bos. There are (on the left) many articles about all kinds of subjects.

Awareness: increasing your consciousness

For me, awareness is realizing that you’re part of a larger whole, where you come in contact with, and live from your inner observer, the director in you. Your personality, your ego if you will, the one who lives the life, thereby makes (him) herself inferior to that larger whole. You then live more and more from what is good for us, for the earth, instead of living from what is good for me. In short articulate: You live from your Love for Life. And in this we can grow endlessly, starting with loving yourself first. Enter the website of Sonia Bos and just type the word awareness and read more about this subject that suits you.