Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Organ donation

This week is the week of the organ donation in The Netherlands. In science and politics a debate takes place whether people yes or no can be obliged to donate their organs after they die to reduce the waiting list for organs in health care. Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism, gives in her book Het Rad van Wedergeboorte (The Wheel ofRebirth) (1994) her vision on this:
Question: Currently, there is much to do about whether or not filling out an organ codicil. From people who are dying and carry such a codicil, the organs are already being removed before death totally occurs or this happens shortly after their death. What happens to these people?
Sonia: "The person who gives an organ, becomes confused: a part of his consciousness is not coming along. In each organ there is a piece of his consciousness. This awareness is forced, by the transplantation into the body of another person, to keep on living. Meanwhile, this organ still gives impulses to the deceased human. You understand that therefore a Babylonian confusion arises. This allows you to form your own judgment."
And in Op weg naar de zon (Towards the Sun) (1994) again the question arises:
Organ donation: right or wrong?
Question: What happens to the recipient of an organ donation and what with the donor? Does the delivery of the organ affect the dying process of the donor?
Sonia: "From a cosmic perspective organ donation is not correct. Each cell of a donated organ is connected to the blueprint of the giver. The organ, however, is being transplanted in a body that functions within the blueprint of the recipient. The blueprint of the giver and the receiver are not equal, and therefore it is seen incorrect from a cosmic point of view. Sometimes, however, for the recipient - by receiving a higher consciousness in him - a piece of growth can occur. That may well be functional.

What about the provider? To be allowed to merge into higher life, the giver withdraws during dying his blueprint slowly from life. The blueprint of the donated organ would also move to higher life. Only, the donor cannot take this part with him. There will arise a hole in his included awareness and thus a hole in his processing. As such, organ transplantation is seen also incorrect from a cosmic point of view.
Giving an organ is an act of altruism and brings man to a higher plane. Seen in this light, it is correct to be able to give, even something of yourself. Man builds through his act of altruism positive karma. Nevertheless, organ donation at the base stays incorrect. The processing at the level of the donated organ is indeed hindered to the provider in the spheres. Not all of the information can be taken from the cells and the tissue. That process will have to wait. Furthermore, for the provider the incarnation cycle may be delayed. He cannot advance on his cosmic way, as long as his cosmic information dwells elsewhere.
Another approach
It is much better for man to guide him in the phase in which for example his heart is ill, when there is not yet a need to be transplanted. The underlying problems that led to his heart problems can still be transformed. He can at that time be accompanied to accelerate to a higher consciousness, which causes that his problems will resolve. This is more effective and more accurate than placing a donated heart in this person.
New consciousness may come that provides insight of the awareness path of humans, where disease of the organs is connected to the problems of man. A different way of thinking and approach of illness, death and healing is desperately needed. Life should not be extended indefinitely. To let a man die when his time has come is a grace. A different vision of life and death has already been given and recorded in the Aquarian mysticism.
It is very essential to work with transformation in the blockades of man (and his vicinity). His illness processes will thereby encourage you, just like other difficult things that come on your way. The mirror of the soul will more and more decrease working; humans will work out karma on a universal level. That requires a universal approach of life, such as transformation. In the universal truth of life, transformation, working with the creative power, is embedded."

And in Het dierenrijk op weg naar verlichting (
The animal kingdom on the road to enlightenment) (2001) she says about organ donation: "As an example of resistance, we can take the donation of organs. By having a major recruitment campaign for organ donation was hoped for getting an enormous lot of commitments. However what one has achieved is, that man started to think about it. The result was that indeed fewer people volunteered; man had felt an inner 'no'. The human feels that if he cedes an organ, he cedes part of his consciousness as well, which then in a strange organism continues to live. This creates confusion in the cosmic order of his consciousness. So if man thinks in a conscious way about things, there will be a 'no' from inside.”


In touch with your inner guidance through mediumship or through the mystical way?

In the Aquarius era that has commenced around the turn of the century, there is a growing awareness of every human being to ever greater heights. Those who find this weblog, are inwardly guided to look, besides their personality (lower self), for more background information about their soul (higher self) and spirit (highest self). Looking for their soul: the ones they are over all previous lives, and their spirits are looking for the connection to the Spirit, the divine in them.

In the book  Op weg naar de zon; Een weg naar hoger genezen (Towards the Sun, a road to higher cure) a chapter is dedicated to inner guidance. Sonia Bos says a.o.: "Working from the inner guidance is not based on mediumship, knows no entity guidance. It is a road of engaging the inner mastery in you, the mystical divine connection. If you focus outwards, you will not find the Source. It may even happen that you come in contact with the astral world, which makes you end up in all kinds of impure vibrations. In this way you may still want to contribute to the great world transformation, but your work will not bear fruit that it could have done, because the inner impulse, the inner guidance, can only come from the Source within yourself.

External communication and deception
Anyone who from now on thinks that he is able to communicate through the external way, is being misled. That is a very bold statement, but I stand 100% behind this. If I don't, then I can visit many of you soon in a mental hospital. I speak from experience, because, as I said earlier, two girlfriends of mine are already in such degrading conditions. So anyone who says he has a master as an entity besides him, you can tell that his story from now on is no longer true!
The inner encounter with the Masters
The masters have opened lodges to accompany humans inwardly. However, be alert for somebody who says: "I just have seen Master Morya standing next to me" or: "he stood by me and gave me inspiration." Forget about it, because in the new stream of evolution you can find such a master only within yourself.
The road does not lead everyone to the mental hospital. There are mediums who stand tall with their entities guidance, who bring also professionally seen good messages. They do this, however, always from passed over human consciousness, which is not from the Source. That human consciousness is by definition narrower than the consciousness of the Source. Moreover, this will cease to exist.

The connection to the divine consciousness
The inner guidance connects you to the divine consciousness. This will never deceive you, but will always bring you on the right track. The choice you can make is: do I want the thrill, the paranormal, or do I lay my consciousness that I developed inside of me into the hands of the Source?"

Inner guidance
Sonia explains in which case you can address your inner guidance: for example, for pain relief. "You turn inwards and you visualize one of the transformation symbols that you connect with your inner guidance, the inner Source. You can also go there if you need love, or if you often feel so lonely."
What all more is possible at a global level by using your inner guidance, you can read in the above mentioned book.

You can use your inner guidance in a pure way by visualizing three universal symbols. These three symbols plus the transformation symbols can be found on the cards in the webshop of Sonia Bos.


The evolution of good and evil, light and darkness

In March 2012, I read the book Het ontwaken van je dertien hartskwaliteiten (The awakening of your thirteen heart qualities) by Gabriela Gaastra, to put some dots on the i for myself concerning my inner growth. Surprising to me was the part about having Compassion, that we must learn to embrace good and evil. "Embracing evil is your biggest challenge, because this is an aspect of yourself, against which you feel the greatest resistance and what you most dislike. By doing so, you will be able to discover that evil connects you with a great strength in yourself, namely the acceptance of your Divinity in everything you are."

Annemiek van der Zant wrote on August 3rd on her website an article van Donker naar Licht (from Dark to Light), in which she also advises to embrace the dark: "Many deep dark pieces have come out. However, if you stood in love, the dark that came to you could not hit you and you were able to transform the darkness in yourself. For some of us such profound issues came up, that they still need a while to transform them in depth. I do hope that you have been able to embrace this touch. That you have been able to feel the gratitude for all those dark pieces that finally, after they were stuck for centuries, could be freed. I also hope that you really have felt "in the dark hides your divinity".

Steve Rother from Lightwerker.com reported on August 15th: “There is currently a magnetic shift that goes beyond our understanding. First, a wave of old energy must retreat before a wave of positive energy may come in. Surf along on the new stream. You have created this flow yourself because you want to change your life, the world”.

On August 17th, I myself saw during a meditation good and evil partially interlocking.

Now, a distinction can be made between the piece of darkness within yourself and evil outside yourself. You may or may not consciously choose for the good and live from Love with a capital L. In addition, you can consciously choose not to go along with the negativity and drama of others. And then you have another ‘Evil’, the darkness, the collective of entities and people who opt for negativity, the major opponent of the divine power of Love.

What is meant by good and evil, light and darkness? In the glossary of the Aquarian Mysticism Light is explained as: the breath of life, the creative energy. And at Darkness: under darkness are the creations covered that are lower in consciousness than our creation, but which still belong to our evolutionary spiral. In these creations love and light have not yet penetrated.

Sonia Bos quotes in her work many times good and evil, as in:

Esoterisch besef (Esoteric notion): "Man went his way through the spheres into the dust. Through the experience of suffering in the material world man seeks a way out from this suffering. By this, he brings himself to consciousness. The consciousness of good and evil arises, i.e. illuminated by love and light or unexposed by love and light. He becomes aware of his Source and this creates the desire to return."

Op weg naar de zon (En route to the Sun): "So far we have lived in duality. This recognizes good and evil, light and darkness. Now, the Source wants duality cease to exist in the material world. The substance may become Spirit; Unity may be established in matter. Evil says: "Wait a minute; that means I should go, that shortly I will no longer have access to the area. I don't buy that."

Duality is uprooted and the shadow side of duality, evil, opposes this. Evil is not destroyed, but it is being transformed towards light, to Love and Unity. It grows towards a world that evil does not know. Just look at yourself: If you are feeling forced to something that you are unfamiliar with, then you oppose this. So does evil resist: from ignorance of the value of Love and Light."

Universeel vertrouwen (Universal Trust): "When you have settled the struggle between good and evil which resides within, you need no longer struggle with the other. You do not vibrate with it and remain at peace and friendly smiling you can calmly say, "Are you sure that it's mine? Is it not a little yours as well? Would you consider thinking about it again”, then you have chances of an awakening, and that is what the Creator has planned."

Eenzaamheid, het verbroken geluk (Loneliness, the lost happiness): The call of the Creator "People, you don’t let the world destroy, do you? You don’t admit destruction on earth, do you? The aggression, the violence, the control, the domination, the intimidation, the fear. I urge you to pull yourself together and go my way, the way of love, the path of building-up, the way of the victory over evil, the way of kindness, gentlenes; my way, my desire, my divine will."

Jouw leven op de schop (Your life on the shovel): "The duality was good and evil, light and dark. Unity is light, is good and is love. In unity there is purely positivity and that comes through your own inner guidance in your thinking. When you follow this path and search for it, for example through meditation, your inner guidance, your own inner source of life, will guide you with positive terms: good boy, good girl, do go your way, just be free and happy. While thinking in unity and consciousness in unity there is only positivity. There is no more destruction, because you have no more affinity with it."

De opgaande lijn van de evolutie (The upward trend of evolution): "On 11 September 2001, (9/11), the Apocalypse, the big change of life, began. Life that was governed by the laws of cause and effect by karma, by an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, was allowed to start functioning through the laws of Love and Unity from higher being. Life will henceforth be controlled from the higher chakras of creation. In other words: the higher being of creation will descend. With this at stake, a huge battle between good and evil has started. Man had to choose for love and unity, for with the touchdown of the higher being of the creation, the creation itself chose that it would be a creation of light, and that herein only would be room for love and unity. Therefore we may slowly let go the grip that duality has upon us and discover that we can cope with each other otherwise. The fight against terrorism stands central in this: do we choose for love or don’t we?"

Houden van mijzelf en het leven (Loving myself and life): "We were given a free will, because the Creator wished that man would be aware. We were able to choose to want to work for Him. The Creator wanted an active human being with an individuality that could choose and distinguish what was and wasn’t in accordance with the creative desire. He wanted a being that in his awareness learned to distinguish and clearly could choose between good and evil, between not exposed by love and be illuminated by love; an individual that would recognize the divine consciousness within himself again and would be an awareness-raising cell for Him. So He created a being to his own resemblance that could bring life in matter to its perfect state."

The evolving human being (the Resurrection) apparently takes the next step in the collective subconscious. Where for centuries has been preached to eradicate evil (literally to kill ‘our opponents'), or to keep away from them, the conscious human by his power of love will become a shining example to others, making that wars and strife, fraud, dishonesty eventually will disappear. It depends on how fast we ourselves bring about that change with each other.