Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Organ donation

This week is the week of the organ donation in The Netherlands. In science and politics a debate takes place whether people yes or no can be obliged to donate their organs after they die to reduce the waiting list for organs in health care. Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism, gives in her book Het Rad van Wedergeboorte (The Wheel ofRebirth) (1994) her vision on this:
Question: Currently, there is much to do about whether or not filling out an organ codicil. From people who are dying and carry such a codicil, the organs are already being removed before death totally occurs or this happens shortly after their death. What happens to these people?
Sonia: "The person who gives an organ, becomes confused: a part of his consciousness is not coming along. In each organ there is a piece of his consciousness. This awareness is forced, by the transplantation into the body of another person, to keep on living. Meanwhile, this organ still gives impulses to the deceased human. You understand that therefore a Babylonian confusion arises. This allows you to form your own judgment."
And in Op weg naar de zon (Towards the Sun) (1994) again the question arises:
Organ donation: right or wrong?
Question: What happens to the recipient of an organ donation and what with the donor? Does the delivery of the organ affect the dying process of the donor?
Sonia: "From a cosmic perspective organ donation is not correct. Each cell of a donated organ is connected to the blueprint of the giver. The organ, however, is being transplanted in a body that functions within the blueprint of the recipient. The blueprint of the giver and the receiver are not equal, and therefore it is seen incorrect from a cosmic point of view. Sometimes, however, for the recipient - by receiving a higher consciousness in him - a piece of growth can occur. That may well be functional.

What about the provider? To be allowed to merge into higher life, the giver withdraws during dying his blueprint slowly from life. The blueprint of the donated organ would also move to higher life. Only, the donor cannot take this part with him. There will arise a hole in his included awareness and thus a hole in his processing. As such, organ transplantation is seen also incorrect from a cosmic point of view.
Giving an organ is an act of altruism and brings man to a higher plane. Seen in this light, it is correct to be able to give, even something of yourself. Man builds through his act of altruism positive karma. Nevertheless, organ donation at the base stays incorrect. The processing at the level of the donated organ is indeed hindered to the provider in the spheres. Not all of the information can be taken from the cells and the tissue. That process will have to wait. Furthermore, for the provider the incarnation cycle may be delayed. He cannot advance on his cosmic way, as long as his cosmic information dwells elsewhere.
Another approach
It is much better for man to guide him in the phase in which for example his heart is ill, when there is not yet a need to be transplanted. The underlying problems that led to his heart problems can still be transformed. He can at that time be accompanied to accelerate to a higher consciousness, which causes that his problems will resolve. This is more effective and more accurate than placing a donated heart in this person.
New consciousness may come that provides insight of the awareness path of humans, where disease of the organs is connected to the problems of man. A different way of thinking and approach of illness, death and healing is desperately needed. Life should not be extended indefinitely. To let a man die when his time has come is a grace. A different vision of life and death has already been given and recorded in the Aquarian mysticism.
It is very essential to work with transformation in the blockades of man (and his vicinity). His illness processes will thereby encourage you, just like other difficult things that come on your way. The mirror of the soul will more and more decrease working; humans will work out karma on a universal level. That requires a universal approach of life, such as transformation. In the universal truth of life, transformation, working with the creative power, is embedded."

And in Het dierenrijk op weg naar verlichting (
The animal kingdom on the road to enlightenment) (2001) she says about organ donation: "As an example of resistance, we can take the donation of organs. By having a major recruitment campaign for organ donation was hoped for getting an enormous lot of commitments. However what one has achieved is, that man started to think about it. The result was that indeed fewer people volunteered; man had felt an inner 'no'. The human feels that if he cedes an organ, he cedes part of his consciousness as well, which then in a strange organism continues to live. This creates confusion in the cosmic order of his consciousness. So if man thinks in a conscious way about things, there will be a 'no' from inside.”

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