Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Obama speaks out and declares support for same-sex marriage

The most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, Barack Obama stated on May 9th that homosexuals have the right to love and marry one another. From his Christian faith he says the following: "In principle, the point is that we not only have to think of Christ who sacrificed himself for us, but it is also the Golden Rule - treat others as you like to be treated.” He is pictured on the internet, sitting on the back of the unicorn of equality, while from his hands all colors of the rainbow radiate. And all this, while voters in North Carolina just approved a ban on same-sex marriage this week. But there are also already ten states, plus Washington DC where gay marriage is now allowed.

In the Aquarian mysticism, in meditation universal symbols are used to work with the creative power. One is the White Unicorn, a transmutation symbol with which you evoke the strength of the Almighty, the 7th dimension in the consciousness of the Universal Christ. Transmute means, reversing a negative situation into a positive situation, to the original meaning of life.
On April first, I briefly focused on the gay human in the article Mankind is standing up in the Aquarian age. I like to give a further explanation of the book that mystic Sonia Bos has written:
 Het kosmisch perspectief van de mens; man, vrouw, homosexualiteit en de maatschappij (The cosmic perspective of the human being; man, woman, homosexuality and society)
Back cover: The book is a trilogy of lectures, where it first examines the specific role of the man and woman in creation, followed by the specific role of the homosexual human. Explained is why in our world of duality, men and women received their own task force and how the yang of males and the yin strength of women in recent times has worked. With the advent of the Aquarian Age (from about the year 2000) the world and the consciousness of mankind is changing at a rapid pace. Therefore not only men and women are changing, but also their relationship, which grows towards equivalence. The differences between men and women are diminishing, but they retain their own, deepened task which is further explained.
In the third lecture Sonia indicates that primal nostalgia to the Source can be seen as the cause of homosexuality: "Part of human life opposed to having to live in the duality with the associated (Dory: reduced) state of consciousness. This opposition also brings primal rage. In this manner three categories of people originate: men, women and homosexual humans. The gay human can be seen as a pioneer on returning to the Source. (Dory: the recognition that we as humans are a divine spark, who, from Love and Unity are authorized to work with our creative power to establish a new earth) The primal rage is considered very functionally and especially in this time is tickled awake by the Creator and additionally encouraged. The homosexuals will provide extra support to life in its returning to the Source."
The exodus of homosexuals has begun, writes Sonia in 1997. "A complete army is prepared. The phase of aggression brings just that downwards which needs to be demolished. We are going forwards from an old society to a new society. We are moving to a life of love and equality and in this event aggression is the engine to break down, and resistance is the engine to stop what has decayed. So in this, the homosexual human plays an important role."
Furthermore Sonia explains the different levels of awareness of the homosexual human and she answers questions such as:
-          Has the homosexual human being, who lives right now, been gay throughout all previous lives?
-          Has that choice at the beginning been a very definite one or are there degrees to be distinguished?
-          Where is bisexuality related to?
-          You mentioned that many gay people suffer from primal rage. There are also many people who react very strongly against homosexuality, which seems also a sort of primal rage. Could you say more about that?
-          Does the heterosexual accept duality? After all he has also been lost from the Source.
-          The coming-out is often a difficult process for the young homosexual human, especially during puberty. Can you tell something about this, relating to changing the world?

Unfortunately there is only a draft of this book in English, which needs to be revised by a native English/American speaker. If anyone is really interested, please register yourself as a volunteering translator on the website of Sonia Bos: www.soniabos.com.

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