Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


Transparency: what do you mean the scourge of our time? - part 1

In the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant of July 25th Ana van Es writes a column about the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has not yet received asylum in Russia. In the United States Snowden is considered a traitor who may be ‘responsible for the most harmful information leak in U.S. history’, according to his former boss at the CIA and NSA eavesdropping service, Michael Hayden. Hayden continues: ‘Edward Snowden has a serious problem. He sees transparency as a virtue. Transparency, that’s the scourge of our time.’ There are fears that a young generation of workers born after 1980, like Snowden, believes in transparency as well.
Hayden’s fear will come true: There will be more and more people all over the world, who consciously choose for transparency, love, openness, who say what they think, without secrets: they are the Aquarius masters who guide the big transition to a purer, fairer way of life.

Sonia Bos, mystic and spokeswoman for the Aquarian Mysticism held many lectures where she talked about transparency. Some quotes:

In Liefde (Love) 1993: “The Universal Christ in the hearts of the people
I am the Universal Christ. That does not mean that the old Christ, Jesus of Nazareth has had his day. It means that He has merged in his Universality. This being is Me. I speak a new language. I call the man from the inside, through the heart. I am your inner leader. I am the World leader of Aquarius. I speak through my channel (Sonia Bos, ed.), who will go around the world to bring new tuition, my teachings. She is a transparent channel, but an ordinary person. No one is privileged.
The message, that’s Me. I want to reach the human being to explain that I am in him. So know that I always come from within, but as long as man does not know that I am inside him, I operate through my channels. The unconscious human is approached in this manner from the outside, but the Aquarius Age is shaping  itself from within.
I am the divine heart chakra. I am the Ark of Conservation. I am the Son and the Father, for the Son merged with the Father. I Am. I open a spiritual ashram, a spiritual fluid, in which you can work. Therefore I removed the blockades. You can find me in yourself. I will give you my keys. You rise above your ego to come to me. That is a prerequisite.
No one comes to me otherwise than in transparency. A total surrender is the gate. I train you in the previous phase. Master Jesus will guide you to connect you with the inner Source where you will find me. You can find me in the Source within yourself, at heart level. You go through the selfless love.
Master Jesus leads you, until you, phase after phase, arrive in such a deep surrender, that you reach the Universality of Love, which I am. I am the Universality of Love. Master Jesus is the unselfish love. Together we are on our way. One cannot exist without the other.”

In De mens door de eeuwen heen op zoek (Man searching over the centuries) 1999:
The power of Christ and the Creator in man – In the future we will increasingly live for love, spirit, silence and transparency. We will experience a delicate, more subtle way of living and value of life. We are going to stand for very new values of life. Everything is newly created as in Revelation is stated: ‘Behold, I make all things new!’ Then really starts what the Creator has said. At this moment he calls his six billion instruments to help Him renew life. So, do not feel powerless, you do not fight alone. You are fighting a battle for life. You have two great allies: the Christ and the Creator in you, and that force is enormous.”

In Vrijheid (Freedom) 2003 is stated: "Where ever cosmic order is created, chaos and karma cannot be any longer. The cosmic order is pure transparency, pure unity. This pure love we can bring out now and will instantly convert negative karma - which is not structured according to the Plan of Creation".
"Society renewal starts at the withdrawal of your projections on one another: 'If only you were different, I could function better. If I were to get another supervisor, my work would be fruitful.’ Pull back all your projections and build the cosmic order in yourself. Dispatch this from yourself. Consider a situation where you find difficulties, for example at work, and just let it be. Let the primordial state of being be, the cosmic order, pure transparency, pure love. Are things not working as you would like them to do, then go to the primordial state of being in yourself and take a look why it turns out different than you had hoped for. In this way you can find out what problems you may convert to participate in this cosmic planning.”

See part 2 on Transparency in the next blog article!

Transparency: what do you mean the scourge of our time? - part 2

See Part 1 on Transparency in the previous blog entry.

In Mens en wereld in hun kracht (Man and world in their power) 2001: "The descent of Existence
Up till now, life in creation was only consciousness, all life was consciousness. Ishmael Emanuel (the Universal Christ, ed.), however, which has descended in man, is the bridge to the Existence. He is ready so that The Existence can descend in the consciousness of creation. Existence is the higher brother of consciousness. In consciousness movement can take shape. However, Existence is transparency, pure silence. If the Existence descends into the consciousness of the people, in the hearts of the people, into the spark of life that is in everyone, then all that lives changes. This is what’s going on! Everything that lives, that has a consciousness, gets the spark of Existence activated in himself. This gives life a safeguard, because now it will become Existence. The control codes of creation and life are thereby adjusted."  
"Life will be equal to the Creator
The essence of the Creator is total silence, total transparency. Because of the Creation, the Creator was removed from its total transparency. He started creating and therefore movement, duality originated.
The creation arose including the material world, the spirit and the higher spirit, encompassed by the Creator. As man knows the Creator right now, we call Him Unity, Transparency, Love – all of us will use our own expression. However, the Creator, that we have known during the long path of involution into the creation - during the originating processes of life, which have closed approximately around 1985 - is a different Creator than the one he was just before the Creation. We see only an image of the Creator, because when he would have come to us in his totality into duality, the creation would have burned down.
The Creation is therefore still evolving. We are now in the fifth day of creation, the day that man may move back to the Source. The involution is accomplished, the human being returns to the Source, and the Creator wants to show his true essence. The eternal power of the Creator descends slowly in the part of the Creator that we see. This goes through everything that lives. Life will be equal to the Creator, the Creator as He was at the time just before the Creation: the all-encompassing Universal Silence, which was then set in motion.

The Ark of Existence
A deep layer of the aura of the Creator, that He still had deeply hidden, is now brought inside. Actually the Creator asks for a light being healing. He says: ‘Please bring this light being, this layer of my being, into creation, for the time has come that I am recognized within creation.’ In the blueprints of creation thus Existence, a higher level within the Creator, is being re-engaged. First, we had to do with the blueprint where the genesis processes were accompanied. Now we have made ​​the turnaround - the Apocalypse has started - the Creator chooses to bring Existence, the Absolute Silence into the creation.
In the days of Creation that are yet to come - the three eras that now lie ahead (the Aquarian Age or the Golden Age from 2000-4000, the Crystalline Age, or the Age of Enlightenment from 4000-6000 and the Age of Fulfillment, or The Transparent Age from 6000 - 8000, ed.) - He wants to be fully recognized. This area, which he calls the Ark of Existence, incarnates in our blueprint and is credited in this immense initiation that is being fulfilled......."
"A light army is advancing. In the universal space of everything that is, the light, transparency, wishes to enter......."
......."No longer consciousness is the highest good that was accessible to man, but the Existence. There is a layer added to everything here in creation. The Creator reveals himself at a deeper level and all life goes along with it. "

......"Life will be a palette of pastel shades
I, the Lord of Infinity, lead this exodus. You are my instrument; you lead life from darkness towards light. You do this by putting the darkness outside the gate and inviting the light in your being and to activate this in others as well. I am with you, in you and around you. I am the transparency, which brings all hardness to softness. You turn from red to orange to very transparent pink. More and more softer shades will emerge in life. Life is a palette, a palette of pastel shades. Until now, life was a bouquet of field flowers, where also flowers with thorns and spines were to be found. Now you get a different palette and the spines and thorns will disappear. All, that is no longer needed, will slowly depart from life. "
......"The fulfillment of life
Man can leave his responsibility in the hands of the deepest inner guidance. Then the inner guidance can work through him. With the transparency that may arise, man will understand his own transparent being, which is a hatch of Universality. We travel through life and Existence. We travel through higher circles of light until we stand in the all-encompassing I Am and say, "I Am, Infinity of Life, I am like Thee." Then we are so transparent that He is born in us."

In Houden van mijzelf en het leven (Loving myself and life)  2003: (Any man can be a christ, a master of Love): "Unity of Consciousness... There are no boundaries anymore, there is only unity ... Here all is equal, here is only transparency, hushed love. Have that descended into your personality as an act of ultimate love for yourself...
You are one with the Creator, with the Universality of Love, the Christ in you. You are one with Ishmael Emanuel, the enveloping Source of Light, Love and Life, which protects and covers you totally and wraps you in love...
Ask for love, sweet man, and the ultimate love will be given to you...
This is yourself, this is the angel in you, this is your primeval atom, your being. Do love yourself...
Feel that you are love... You are love, because you are equal to the Alpha and the Omega, the Universal Christ, life itself, all-that-is. Let yourself be embraced... Don’t you feel too small...”

In Verlichting (Enlightenment) 2008: "Return the own divine will: the sixth stage of enlightenment
At the time that the avatar has passed his concerns and understood that life still will have its course, he is pure life and part of the carrying capacity of the flame of life. Then he puts his own deepest divine will into the hands of the Almighty and says. ‘Not my will as God is important, but the powerful will of the Almighty God, the all-encompassing living flame, is important.’ He transcends even that last personal piece in himself. He already had released this in his personal life, but he also must let go this in his responsibilities and his feelings of guilt. Then he will stand in such a transparency, that he is only love, unity, resurrection and enlightenment. Then he will achieve the sixth phase of enlightenment.”

Sonia Bos says about mastery: "He who has acquired the state of transparency, the state of Unity." Before we all are as honest as Edward Snowden, there will still flow a lot of water to the sea.


Dementia among the elderly decreases

The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant of July 18th indicates that a new British study has shown that the number of dementia cases in England and Wales has dropped by 25% in people aged 65 years and over during the last two decades! It is likely that this trend also occurs in other developed countries. It is assumed that this is due to the level of prosperity and education. People are more aware of the importance of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle by their increased consciousness.

During the reading Dementie, het vroegtijdige verlies (Dementia, the premature loss) mystic Sonia Bos told: “The major endemic diseases – cancer, aids, cardiovascular disease and dementia – have everything to do with the purification of karma, where we go through by the onset of consciousness in life. The first three pandemics have all to do with the lower nature of man, the lowest three chakras. But since we have entered the Age of Aquarius, we may grow into the higher nature of man. There is a call on us to distinguish our higher nature, to bear from there responsibility over our lower nature. At a later stage we may even accomplish an integration of our higher nature in our lower nature.
Those who seek to evade and to escape their higher nature, will become demented. Alone in the Netherlands there are 300.000 people with dementia (1995). Dementia seems to have become a common disease. (In 2013 this is 256,000, thus also in our country a decrease can be observed, ed.)! 

Dementia has to do with a projection of the Creator on the heart chakra of the human being. This was addressed to touch man’s awareness that there is a hidden higher nature in himself and that he can bear responsibility from this higher being for his lower nature: over matter, his desires and his emotions. Anyone who depends too much on his lower nature, gets to work out a portion of karma on these three levels.
Fortunately, in the spiral of awareness a rescue plan was built in and tuition has been released about transformation. Transformation means that man must learn to focus the creative power inherent in him – which he finds in his higher nature -, with the aim to neutralize the residual debt of his karma.
Every human who really chooses to want to be aware, will not become demented. When humans en masse discover and unlock their higher nature, no one any longer will suffer from these diseases. These diseases, which are now pandemic diseases, will then completely become history.
Dementia is fleeing the confrontation with yourself and the life you have lived. It is fleeing from the stage where you have to bring forward the positivity in your life. Very often this is not a conscious flight, as it just happens to people who are not much aware.
It is a basic fact that just the one who is not so conscious gets demented. He/she who is aware, does not become demented. This human works consciously at his consciousness, will deliberately engage to the deeper purpose of life. He wants to forgive and truly love. This man has the power to draw from his own deeper essence, to be able to also pass this phase of his life gloriously.

The importance of transformation
In the Aquarian Mysticism is reported over the opening of the Source in humans. Through his cosmic consciousness man can pick up the creative forces from the Source. In this data the healing of the demented human can be found. When we draw the strength of creation from the Source through our cosmic consciousness, we can directly generate consciousness in man, also in the human who does not want to. This process is called transformation. By transforming we can envelop the creative power around this person and by the provided consciousness the dementia process will be slowed down. We cannot manipulate this, because the power of creation is selfless love. She will only bring love."

Would you like to know more about dementia, see my blog article Dementia, the premature loss.


Shifts in the food chain

On July 12th there was an article in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, titled: ‘The farmed fish beats the cow.’ For the first time in history, there is more fish bred than there is beef produced.

Sonia Bos, founder of the Aquarian Mysticism, already in 1999 has reported through inner vision about the enormous changes taking place on Earth within the realms of nature. This should be seen over a longer period of time. Nevertheless, the first symptoms begin to take shape. The animal, plant and mineral together with the human being entered a higher evolutionary spiral of life to give life on earth, from their new expanded consciousness, a new face.

"The bio-industry will disappear
A totally different diet pattern will emerge, in which hunting by man - now replaced by battery cages, the fattened calves and the whole excess of factory farming - will slowly cease to exist.

Question: Should the animal and the plant still continue to serve in the food chain?

The spirit as the most complete food
Sonia: The actual food in the material world for man consists of Spirit. When we have fully realized the Spirit of God in our humanity, we could completely feed ourselves from that Spirit. That will happen in the future, even now there are already people who are capable. I recently was reading an article about someone who has not eaten for many years, only now and then she takes some chocolate, because she is really fond of it. This woman has apparently reached a state of consciousness in which she can feed herself entirely from Spirit.

Now man's fourth akasha has been unlocked: the divine consciousness akasha (after the personality akasha, the soul akasha and divine akasha, the connection of the spirit with Spirit, ed.), it has become possible for every human being to realize God’s Spirit in himself. In addition to the three physical dimensions, he can also carry and realize the divine dimension within. When man has realized the four dimensions within, he can feed himself from Spirit. At that time we no longer need to slaughter animals and eat no more plants, only if we would choose to do so, but not out of necessity.

The animal, in which recently three akasha’s have become active and therefore will develop a three-dimensional consciousness, cannot feed itself from the Spirit yet. It does hold the need to either feed itself with another animal, or to feed itself with plants. It will search for plant-based foods as it is more focused on its soul aspects and animal foods if it needs more grounding, more yang, to be able to exist. But we, who will transcend duality, will thus transcend our food requirements, and will therefore increasingly appeal less to nature, to the sacrifice of life.

Eating from deeper empathy
People often ask me if it's a good thing to be a vegetarian. My answer is always:  'Not necessarily!’ In a stage where you want to express your soul aspects it is good to be a vegetarian, but sometimes you really need to eat a steak because you need grounding and decisiveness. As long as we are in a developing phase in which our food requirements can fluctuate, we can only choose from our deepest feelings of what we want to eat. In that way we keep our yin-yang balance evenly.

Sometimes we are attracted to useless food, such as a bonbon. Eating something sweet has a function in curbing our emotions. Going on our awareness journey however, we will increasingly eat purer food and vent our emotions less with something yins. We can take the yin aspect through our minds, generating such a State of Being in us that we no longer need acting-out our emotions with food. In the near future we will find a healthy balance between eating plants and animal food, but mainly we will notice that we need less and less food.

Vegetarianism and the integration of the Spirit
For a long time, the idea has taken root that, in order to grow spiritually, it is necessary to be a vegetarian. Vegetarianism will certainly help you on your way, it supports your soul processes, but the moment you arrive at the Spirit and then must try to integrate this into the material, you may need to take more yang-oriented food, because otherwise you cannot shape the flow of the Spirit into the fabric. You then have lost too much of your vigor or have released your grounding too far, to be able to bring the Spirit into matter. And that is just the higher purpose of life now."

Text from the book : De grote veranderingen in de natuur, (The major changes in nature), 2001.