Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Karpathos, Greece


New additional Aquarian Mysticism

On December 16th, I went to the Christmas lecture, held by Annemiek van der Zant, on The female Christ, a new energy. She too, like Sonia Bos at the time, has direct access to the akasha of the Source of Life, the Sofia. According to Sonia Bos this is the road we will all choose to follow. So why not start right away! Through awareness we come into contact with our higher self, our soul, where our contact with the Creator in us can take place.
In her previous lecture Annemiek revealed on 12/12/12: Ancient structures that do not serve the world, are further degraded. And new structures are being built. The new era will bring healing and harmonizes our soul and personality again. From inside we can release old traumas and karma. 
So choose for it!
Christmas Lecture: 21/12/12 is the last day of the Piscean Age. At 22/12/12 the Aquarian Age officially began, which will bring love and unity, because we chose for it! The female Christ takes her place; she is the direct connection between the Universal Christ and humanity. The human, (both male and female!) takes his/her responsibility, stands up and lives from the 5th dimension, where he/she has the ability to create his/her own reality. Letting go old parts (such as stuck emotions like anger) is the key to connect with this new energy. A simple aid for this is deep breathing, whereby you consciously choose that you do not join the old ‘game’ any longer. Or give yourself permission to enjoy life.

is inspired directly by the Source (for additional Aquarian Mysticism) and fits in well where Sonia Bos has ceased. She held a lecture on September 23rd with the topic Working for the world, in which the first realization symbol, the White Flame (in the White Rose, universal love) was released (fifth dimension) to shape the new world in your meditations. Annemiek provides unforgettable and life-changing travels, gives training and as a spiritual coach, she can assist in alleviating your personal development. Also for young people!

Would you like to stay informed about the progress of innovation in this Aquarian time, go to the website of Annemiek van der Zant in the right sidebar and press the English flag in the upper right corner.

Of course, Sonia Bos is the founder of the Aquarian Mysticism and was the spokeswoman until 2009. At Sonia's webshop her life work during more than 25 years in the form of books, notebooks, readers and CDs with the original lectures and theme days can be ordered. See the sidebar for the hyperlink.

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